Splash Spring 2021
Course Catalog

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Arts Engineering
Humanities Math & Computer Science
Social Sciences Science


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A695: Indian cooking, how to make indian Fresh bread
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Manju Jain, Meena Jain

Teach students how to make an Indian Roti (Flat bread) from scratch
What are the ingredients
Instructions to make Indian Roti step by step

Give Introduction of cooking teacher

What are the ingredients to make Indian Roti


Show them how to make dough, and how to make roti from fresh dough on the stove by Manju Jain


Closing remarks by teacher Mona Jain


A696: Modern Calligraphy
Difficulty: *

Are you guilty of watching endless calligraphy videos on Instagram or YouTube? Ever wanted to try it for yourself but never had the tools for it? Guess what?! Join our new and improved VIRTUAL class and learn that you can do it with any tools! From no. 2 pencils to Crayola markers, learn how to enhance your learning with calligraphy! In this brief course, you’ll learn the basic techniques of modern calligraphy. We’ll make cards and show you an array of brands of effective markers you can use at a cheap cost. Overall, we’re here to have a good time and share our skills!


A711: Introduction to Calligraphy
Difficulty: *

Have you ever seen calligraphy and wondered how people do it? Are you interested in picking up a new hobby? Then join this Introduction to Calligraphy Decal! This course will allow students to learn about the history and significance of calligraphy. It will also give students the ability to expand their artistic palette in hand lettering, including using different fonts, techniques, and tools. This will further allow students to find a new creative outlet in order to create new designs and begin to master the art of modern calligraphy.

A736: Origami for Beginners
Difficulty: *

Learning how to make origami!

A741: How to Field Conduct Music!
Difficulty: *

In this course, we will first look at how to do some basic field conducting (learn different time patterns like 3/4 and 4/4 as well as different styles and when to use them). If we have time, we'll also get into cues and musicality. This is a beginner course, but if you have conducted before, I would LOVE to work on conducting with you!

Light understanding of music knowledge (know what measures are, time signatures, etc)

A743: Behind The Structure and Artistry of The Music Video Full!
Difficulty: **

The music video has reshaped and reformed the way we listen to and engage with music. This course intends to teach students how to make a music video, defined as the union of music and visuals for artistic or promotional purposes.

We will analyze three genres of Western music videos: performance, narrative, and concept. We will break down what typically characterizes each of these genres in terms of format and content. Cinematic structure will be analyzed alongside music in order to facilitate proper discussion about what it means to successfully promote a song.


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E715: Micromouse Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Kevin An, Matthew Tran

Learn about the kinds of things that go into building maze-solving robots. We'll cover hardware design considerations as well as maze-solving algorithms.

E716: Marine Energy: The Rising Star of Renewable Energy Full!

This class will serve as an introduction of marine energy (including tidal energy, wave energy, and so on). Student will be able to learn applications of marine energy in various field and the status quo of relevant technologies


E766: Introduction to Bioengineering Full!

Welcome to Introduction to Bioengineering! In this class, we will give a glimpse into bioengineering at Berkeley. You will learn about the four bioengineering concentrations offered at Berkeley, different fields of bioengineering research, and what careers are available post graduation!

E768: Civil and Environmental Engineering Basics

This class will serve as an introduction to the different disciplines of civil engineering. We will discuss construction, structural, environmental, geotechnical, transportation, systems, water engineering, and more!


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H704: Foundation Myths of Rome
Difficulty: *

The presentation will discuss Rome's origins dating back to Trojan Aeneas and will show the literary lineage that follows him through the legendary Romulus. The presentation will also compare these literary stories with the archaeological records of the seven hills of Rome.


H737: Publishing and Short Fiction - Berkeley Fiction Review

An introduction to small-press publishing, from accepting short fiction submissions to the editing process. Berkeley Fiction Review is a student-run, annual publication that publishes artwork and 12-15 short stories from around the world. Established in 1981, BFR is the second oldest literary journal at UC Berkeley.

H739: Pop Culture of Central America
Difficulty: **

We will be navigating the popular culture of Central America and their traditions. The class will be mainly conducted in Spanish.

Recommended that students be in 2nd year of Spanish or higher.

H717: Anarchy in the USA: The Influence of Beatnik & Hippie Culture in 1950-1960's America
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Madeline Molina

What was up with all those 'stinky hippies' and Beatniks in the 50's and 60's, and what have they got to do with us over 61 years later? Through this class, we will explore both the past and remaining effects of radical hippie and Beatnik psychedelic-counterculture in mid-20th century America via the analysis of controversially angry, sexualized, and individualistic mediums of literature and folk/rock music. This class aims to inform and encourage discussion on the seemingly perpetual radicalization of American culture.

Math & Computer Science

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M699: Mathematics of society
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Efe Aras, Eric Liu

How do ideas spread in a society? How do people agree to cooperate when they are incentivized not to? Why are some societies more segregated than others?

Society around us is not a mathematics problem, but branches of math (such as game theory and graph theory) can help understand s lot of complex phenomena such as various societal patterns and behaviors of financial institutions. This class will explore some of the societal phenomena through Nicky Case's interactive simulations (which can be found on ncase.me). If we have time, we will also simulate some of the situations amongst each other to see the emergence of some of this behavior.

M700: Exciting math puzzles (and their exciting math)! Full!
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Efe Aras, Eric Liu

Suppose we give three people black and white hats by tossing a fair coin; then we ask individually what their hat color is. They can either guess it or pass. Now, how can you maximize your chances that one person gets the correct answer if we need to make sure that noone is wrong? One caveat: noone hears the other peoples' answer. What if we had 7 people? 255?

How about the following: 10 people are lined up tallest the shortest on a line, and we ask from back to front what their hat color is; how can you ensure that at most one person gets their hat color incorrectly? What if we had 100 people? 1000?

Maybe this puzzle? We have n people, and m possible colors for hats, and m < n; how can you make sure that at least one person guesses their hat color correctly?

There are loads more puzzles (Alice and Bob are sending a suitcase to each other with padlocks; 100 prisoners in a room opening 50 boxes to find their number; the classic blue eyes-green eyes puzzle; the checkerboard puzzle; the last card trick of the game of SET), and each of these relies on various interesting branches of mathematics and computer science! (Abstract algebra, combinatorics, algorithms, information theory, probability, logic, random graph theory etc.) While we cannot hope to explore all of these puzzles to a sufficient depth (and the associated mathematical fields) in an hour, we can do a few of these to get a taste of some of the puzzles!

Basic probability would be helpful (By basic, I expect you can understand and answer the following two questions: a) What is the probability that a fair coin lands heads? b) I toss the fair coin four times, it landed heads on all four times; what is the probability that it is going to land heads again?) Most important prerequisite is enjoying doing maths! If you are getting excited about the course description, I think you have already satisfied this!

M701: Game Theory, Probability, and Imagination Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Nicolas Albiani

I will introduce basic game theory, probabilistic statistics, and use them to talk about how to get better at understanding risk both longform and instantly. I will also discuss success cases and how to avoid common mistakes when considering and calculating probability and risk. And I will discuss and attempt to teach probabilistic understanding by imagination.

Nessicary: Basic Multiplication and division

M703: Intro to Algorithms Full!

Algorithms are the basis of programming and are ubiquitous in every day life. Learn the process of writing algorithms and how to use algorithms to solve problems. We will be going over the algorithms used to control the Curiosity rover on Mars and you will be able to program a basic algorithm to control a simulated rover through a maze.

Access to a computer and internet required

M708: Introduction to Neural Networks
Difficulty: **

Neural Networks (NN) have taken the world by storm and have been applied in almost any field to tackle difficult machine learning problems, such as language translation and protein modeling. Work on these models began in the 1960s but really took off in 2010s due to the powerful graphical processing units (GPUs) originally designed for gaming.

Even though there are many complicated approaches, the basic neural network requires only addition, multiplication, and a non-linear function. In this class, we'll cover the basics of supervised machine learning, structure of basic networks, and what makes neural networks so powerful when applied to real-world problems. In this class, we hope to provide a basic introduction to NNs that is accessible to anyone interested, even those new to programming.

All necessary math will be introduced gently. Familiarity with basic programming will be useful to get more out of the class, so please attend an "Intro to Python" course offered during Splash if possible.

M718: Intro to Python Programming Full!
Difficulty: **

The Python programming language has grown to have a wide range of applications in many industries beyond software development roles. Python-based solutions have driven innovation in sectors like healthcare, research, finance, and many more.

In this introductory Python course, we will provide exposure to the fundamentals of this programming language and help build intuition on how to solve problems using Python-coded solutions.

Prior programming experience not required. All fundamentals will be introduced.

M720: Exploring Data Science
Difficulty: **

Data science, a combination of statistics and computer science, is a rapidly expanding field and applicable to almost any subject. Learn how you can use numbers to figure out facts about the world, make predictions, and visualize trends. We aim to make this course accessible to all skill levels, regardless of past experience.

Based on UC Berkeley's fastest growing introductory class with over 1300 students and taught by current course staff. (Please bring a laptop!)

M723: What is Quantum Supremacy? Full!
Difficulty: ***

In 2019, Google made the news with a claim of achieving "quantum supremacy". What does this mean, and why do people care about quantum computing in the first place? In this class, I will give a high-level overview of what makes quantum computing special, what quantum supremacy is, and what Google did. Along the way, we'll talk about some big ideas in quantum computing and theoretical computer science.

M751: Introduction to Databases - A Practical Hands On With SQL
Difficulty: ***

As we become a more data driven society, databases are increasing becoming the backbone of all modern technology.

We'll first explore the concept of data and databases and how they are used practically all around the world, then we'll contrast SQL to other imperative programming languages, and finally we'll have some hands on time to learn the syntax and write our own SQL queries.

At the end of the course, you should take home an understanding of the purpose of databases, key database terms, basic syntax on how to query databases, and if we do our jobs correctly, an unquenchable excitement of learning something that so few high school students are exposed to!

Some basic programming knowledge is ideal to draw comparisons, but is not necessary

M755: Scientific Computing Basics
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Aditya Sengupta

Most real-life science research is based on programming, so it's important to know how to use code effectively as a science tool. This class will cover the basics of how programming is useful in research, specifically in the search for exoplanets, and how code can be written efficiently to be readable and fast enough for science use cases. Students may follow along with the examples in a Google Colab notebook.

The class covers the same topics as our UC Berkeley student-run class on scientific computing, whose course website is at https://physcat-decal.com/.

Basic programming knowledge in Python (variables, conditionals, loops, functions)

M767: Introduction to Python
Difficulty: **

In this class we will be going through the very basics of Python (the programming language, not the snake). This language is primarily used at UC Berkeley in many departments including: Data Science, Engineering, Computer Science, Cognitive Science, and so many more! Not only that, top companies like YouTube, DropBox, Google, Quora and even Netflix use Python. Believe it or not, Python is the second most used language in the world according to Github.

In this class we will go over basic Python Syntax, Error messages, Numbers and Arithmetic, Variables, Functions, and Lists.

M729: First Steps in iOS App Programming
Difficulty: ***

Do you want to make your own apps but don’t know where to start? In this course we’ll scratch the surface of iOS app programming. We’ll make a classic 90’s calculator game that’s sure to impress no one. Should be fun!

This class is for complete beginners. If you already know any Swift, you’ll probably be bored. Some previous programming experience (eg. Python, C, Fortran) may be helpful, but isn’t necessary.

Everyone should come prepared to accept frustration as part of the process.

You must have a Mac running Xcode to participate. Unfortunately, Apple doesn’t make it easy to develop iOS apps from a PC, but to their credit, older computers are fine (I have a 2013 MacbookPro). Xcode is free but requires a lot of space (~12 gb) and takes a while to download. If you wait until Saturday to download Xcode, you’re going to have a bad time.

Social Sciences

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O683: Climate Justice Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Isa Ferrall

What is climate justice? Is it different than environmental justice? How? What can we do to overcome climate injustices?

In this class, we will take an express ride on the climate justice train to learn what it is all about. We will touch on some theories of justice and examples of where racial, economic, and environmental justice intersect with each-other and with climate change.


O688: Social Psychology, Prejudice, and Discrimination
Difficulty: **

Despite being a nation comprised of diverse people, the existence of prejudice and discrimination is undeniable. In the light of recent events within this past year, you might ask yourself - why do people uphold those ideas? What drives people to act in that way? This class aims to answer those questions in exploring the intersection of prejudice and discrimination with social psychology. Part of the class also allows for discussion of these topics in the context of psychology.

O702: Politics in Today's World & Avatar the Last Airbender Full!
Difficulty: *

The course will examine the political elements portrayed in Avatar the Last Airbender. While the ATLA universe is a fictional world, the show depicts important themes that we see our modern society. This class will discuss and cover themes such as: imperialism, policing, and classism.
We will examine political events from the cartoon and compare them to historical events from around the globe. Students will engage and think critically about events in the cartoon with the goal to provide perspective and better understand of how these events occur in the real world.

*SPOILER ALERT* Content and storyline from the Avatar the Last Airbender will be revealed.

O706: The Bare Necessities: Basic Needs in Berkeley & Beyond
Difficulty: *

We all have things we can’t live without--these range from wants, such as smartphones or video games, to needs, such as food, shelter, clothing, and more. “Basic needs” refers to the basic necessities we need to live a comfortable life and be set up for success. This class will cover the world of basic needs development and increasing access to such resources; topics will include the history of basic needs, basic needs in the modern world, and basic needs advocacy. There will be a 30-minute lecture, followed by a 20-minute Q&A and closing activity with prizes.

O730: Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, But Words Can Sometimes Hurt Me Full!
Difficulty: *

In this lesson, we will be giving a brief introduction of linguistics, the scientific study of languages. Through a series of interactive activities, we aim to help students understand the different aspects of language, including phonetics, writing systems, and nonverbal communication.

O733: Yellow Power & the Asian-American Identity Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: X Sun, Emma Zhao

Have you heard of the "yellow consciousness"? In this class, we discuss how the "Asian American" identity emerged as a way of dismantling white supremacy. Using the murder of Vincent Chin as a case study, we will talk about the lived experience of Chinese immigrants, cross-racial coalitions, and how the Yellow Power movement was built.

O735: Introduction to Human Trafficking Full!
Difficulty: *

This course will provide students with a comprehensive introduction to human trafficking and basic terminology associated in the field. We will discuss the nuances of sex and labor trafficking, dispel common misconceptions that attend to each of these forms of exploitation, and investigate ways to identify and report potential instances of trafficking. We will also discuss the variety of national laws and international protections that govern anti-trafficking work and the marginalized communities that have been disproportionately impacted by human trafficking. By exposing students to critical perspectives, we hope students will walk away from the course with a greater understanding of the structural vulnerabilities, institutions and policies that engender trafficking in our communities. Through our closing discussion on the various professions that can play an active role in combating trafficking, we hope that students will be equipped with the knowledge to reimagine anti-trafficking advocacy and contribute to this social justice cause in their future endeavors.

O740: Introduction to Asian American Community Health and Mental Health
Difficulty: *

You may think that your health is just an individual issue, something that is up to your own responsibility but it is so much more than that! Our health is impacted by many factors including the physical and social environment around us such as our community and our own cultural values.

A topic in community health that we will be exploring further is mental health, which is often not discussed enough in the Asian American community. Therefore, it is important that we spread awareness, educate each other and hold space to discuss this issue. In this workshop, students will have the opportunity to interact with and reflect on this topic through an activity.

This course is open to all students, not just those that identify as Asian American.

O742: A Critical Understanding of Public Health Full!

This interactive and discussion-based course aims to introduce students to public health and how it impacts everyday lives. We’ll explore the different areas of public health and look at how medicine, the environment, and social-structural forces play a role in health. Learn how you can make a difference in public health!

O750: Women in Politics: a history, an analysis, and workshop
Difficulty: **

Since the classical times, women have assumed power in ways contemporary society often fails to recognize. There is no doubt that women have consistently been left out of the hero narrative, and till this day continue to be under-recognized in political leadership roles. Half of this course is focused on educating students about the historical, and electoral, power that women hold. The second half of this course will be a workshop to provide students with knowledge on programs the UC's and CSU's offer to students who want to enter public service (e.g. prelaw programs, public service fellowships, etc).


O753: Public Health and City Planning Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Julie Ha, Noah Rumbaoa

How do cities shape the way that we experience our daily lives? How does that impact our health? Whose health suffers disproportionately from poor planning decisions? Learn more about environmental justice, the need for accessibility, and ways to advocate for a more equitable city!

O758: The Modern Supreme Court and Us Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Cecilia Lunaparra

Why is it so difficult to pass comprehensive gun reform? Who was RBG? Where do voting rights stand? What happened in the election of 2000? What is Roe v. Wade—could it actually be overturned? How does social identity play a part in the Constitution? Is affirmative action considered Constitutional? What is the Constitution, and how does it affect our everyday lives? What does it mean when people say the Supreme Court is 6-3? And where do we go from here?

This course examines all of these topics and more by delving into the most important institution of the judicial branch—and how the civil rights, civil liberties, and lives of millions repeatedly lie in the hands of nine people. This discussion-based course will serve as an introduction to the modern Supreme Court and give students the opportunity to learn about the intersection of law, race, religion, and identity.

Willingness to ask questions and interact! Working knowledge of US current events is helpful, but not required! All are welcome.

O762: Archaeological Myths and Misrepresentations in Video Games and Films
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Will Gerardo

Archaeology? What is it? This class will introduce you to the archaeological inaccuracies and falsified depictions in popular video games and films. Along with some background context and innovative discussion, we will tackle how archaeological stereotypes are perceived! We will talk about games such as Tomb Raider, Pokémon, Animal Crossing, and more! Also, films like Indiana Jones and Night at the Museum will be explored.

O763: Intro to Anthropology
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Rosie Fei

We will discuss anthropology in its three major subfields: socio-cultural, archaeology, and biological anthropology. Through this, we will look at what anthropologists do and what jobs they work in. Additionally, we will learn how different communities have been affected by Western colonialism in anthropology, and how modern anthropologists are revolutionizing the field.


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S681: Stem Cells and Cardiology Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Daniel Han, Masood Jan

Many believe that the cures to most diseases lie in stem cell science and research, yet others fear repercussions that could forever alter our social conscience and morality. This class takes students on a journey inside the stem cell revolution and its intersection with cardiology, where perspectives from scientists, researchers, policy-makers, and ethicists will challenge students to consider the societal, political, even spiritual implications of this rapidly developing frontier. How do we use stem cells to treat cardiac problems? Let's find out!


S684: CRISPR and TALENs and ZFNs, Oh My!: Advancements in Gene Editing Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Haarika Kathi

This course will explore the history and advancements in gene editing technologies, with a particular focus on the CRISPR/Cas9 system, much of which was pioneered on Berkeley's campus. We will also discuss the ethical and social aspects of this ever-evolving field.

S686: Transcending Spacetime Full!
Difficulty: **

Imagine that there was just one theory – one equation – from which you could derive the whole of Physics, breaking free from the enormous jumble of formulae that you struggle with in high school and college. Thrilling, isn’t it? Well, there is hope.

Perhaps the most deep-rooted common-sense notion about our world being three dimensional, with time as the fourth dimension, is now succumbing to a growing acknowledgment among eminent physicists (String Theorists, for example) that the universe may actually exist in as high as ten-dimensional space -- a perspective that would possibly pave the way to a profound revolution in our understanding of the universe. Although we are very far from experimentally verifying this theory, it carries the charismatic power to mathematically unify all the known physical forces in an astonishingly simple framework: the "Theory of Everything" that had eluded Einstein for several decades of his life.

In this session, I will broadly explore some of the “magic” that could be witnessed in a world beyond our space and time. Ever wondered how a 4D creature would look like, if we ever encountered one? A lot of stuff could sound like science-fiction, but we cannot deny that we can find numerous examples of Sci-Fi from the past that have turned into reality today.

Most important are curiosity and imagination. Interest in Physics or Astronomy with elementary knowledge about forces and energy could be helpful.

S689: Quantum Mechanics for your Grandma! Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Yi Zhu

Quantum computers, quantum tunneling, quantum dots... If you look hard enough, the word "quantum" appear everywhere. But what is "quantum?"

In this no maths, no nonsense presentation, we'll guide you along the scenic route of quantum mechanics.

With intuitive explanations and minimal maths, our goals is to explore quantum theory and it's applications in a manner so straight forward that you can go home and explain it to your Grandma!

S690: DNA: Polymerase Chain Reaction Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Meena Jain, Manju Jain

What is DNA, What is Polymerase Chain Reaction, What is Short Tandem Repeats (STR), What is capillary electrophoresis, and Genotype


S691: Belly Dancing & Yoga, Mantra, Meditation
Difficulty: *

Help students how to relax yourself with yoga
How to overcome anxiety and panic attacks through yoga
Teach deep abdominal breathing

Give Introduction of yoga teachers

What yoga does to you?


Show the how to overcome anxiety and panic attacks by chanting and meditation by co-teacher Meena Jain


Teacher deep breathing and closing remarks by teacher Mona Jain

Learn the art of Ancient Belly Dancing. Easy to learn, Fun dance class. Learn dance of neck, snake hands, camel pose , shimmy and awesome vail Belly dancing with Mona. How to do Hip lifts & Basic shimmy, live young, lose weight, no stress, more Feminine. It is both boys and girls. Both students can take together. Learn fun dance. Enjoy learning belly dancing.

S712: Video Games & Simulations 101
Difficulty: **
Teachers: James Sunseri

Have you ever wanted to know how to program a video game? In this course I will show you how to not only write a video game using a coding language called Python, but I will show you how an astrophysicist simulates the universe on a computer. You would be pretty surprised at how similar the two things really are! In this class you will see how a basic video game is constructed and the similarities video games have to simulations of really complicated things like magnetohydrodynamics and cosmology (big science words wowowow!)

It is recommended that the student has taken a physics class at some point. Would highly recommend watching a “python basics” tutorial on YouTube before coming to class.

S714: Genetics + Ethics
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Sharon Burk, Fiona Oh

Curious about and interested in discussing the social and ethical implications of new genetic technologies?

Consider Genetics + Ethics! This class explores this question in relation to some of the many topics within the intersection of genetics and bioethics, such as eugenics, consumer privacy, crime and law enforcement, medicine, agriculture, and many more. Students will have a chance to learn about some new genetic technologies and to consider how these technologies might impact their own lives. No prior knowledge of genetics or biology necessary!

S721: Music & Medicine
Difficulty: *

Are you interested in music?
Are you interested in science/medicine?Do you find that music makes you feel relaxed? If so, this is the right class for you! We will take a look at the intersection between music and medicine, while understanding the benefits that music brings us.

S722: The Quantum Complex Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Orion Ning, Ryan Tamura

Often relegated to a secondary role in the standard mathematics curriculum, complex numbers are usually unfortunately presented as a contrived abstraction used to solve certain equations. In this session, we want to show that, ironically, these 'imaginary' entities are some of the most useful and insightful mathematical and physical (!) objects we have today.

This whirlwind tour will guide learners through the motivations of complex numbers, the rigorous (and magical) field of complex analysis, as well as the essential use of these ideas in physics, namely quantum mechanics and theoretical particle physics.

No strict prerequisites, but basic knowledge of high school algebra, calculus, and/or mechanics would be helpful and would best enrich your experience. The most important prerequisite however, is always just curiosity!

Difficulty: **

Ever wondered what happens to the brain on drugs? Today we will be discussing the brain on opioids, lsd, methamphetamine, cocaine, marijuana, alcohol, caffeine, and other drugs. The history of the drug, and short and long term effects will also be discussed!

S725: Journey through the COSMOS Full!
Difficulty: *

Where does everything come from? How did simple chemistry give rise to everything we see today? In this course, we are traveling way back to the dawn of our universe, zooming through the cosmos and fast forwarding through history to explore the evolution of life and everything on Earth and beyond. No prior knowledge is required!

S726: Introduction to Orthopedic Sciences Full!

This is an introduction to the field of orthopedic medicine and sciences, with a broad overview of topics such as biomechanics, bone physiology, neuroscience and the skeletal system, and more.
We also offer the chance to learn more about the orthopedic pre-medical track from the perspective of current undergraduates at UC Berkeley.

S727: Termites and Wasps and Ants, Oh My!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Lia Keener

This class will focus on eusociality in insects! We will discuss the background of the eusocial insects in question, the basics of eusociality and why it evolved, other cool insect stories, etc.. I likely won't teach for the full time but will leave a chunk of time at the end for students to ask questions about anything - class-related questions, or UC Berkeley related, general college-related, etc..

S731: Quantum mechanics and computing in a nutshell
Difficulty: ****
Teachers: Che Liu, Xuyang Yu

This ambitious course will cover a plethora of topics ranging from your high school AP calculus all the way to quantum physics. We will divide the course into two major chapters, learning about the beauty of quantum physics, and applying the knowledge of quantum physics to a marvel of industry, quantum computers. In this course we will use powerful math tools to lead ourselves to beautiful physics. This will again show that nature is artistic and rigorous at the same time.
We will begin the course with a quick overview of calculus, an easy-to-understand intro to simple differential equations, and a very basic intro of linear algebra covering matrix-vector multiplication and eigenvalues. These will allow us to look at the “Rosetta stone” of quantum mechanics, Schrodinger equation, with a keen pair of eyes.

We will show you how the Schrodinger equation is solved in a classic problem called the infinite square well. This will demonstrate what scientists mean by saying that objects in quantum mechanics are at many places at the same time. This is also the more detailed version of the notorious Schrodinger’s cat, which bothers many people by its “the cat is both alive and dead, and looking inside the box would determine its fate”.
After this, we will attempt a qualitative and picturesque overview of quantum optics, quantum field theory, and string theory. These theories will present to you how everyday phenomena like light can be bizarre in the extreme limit, how physicists incessantly ponder for the fundamental granulates of matter, and how physicists use strings to tie together quantum mechanics and Einstein’s general relativity.

That was a lot for the physics side of this course! We will then look into quantum computing, a very promising piece of technology using quantum physics to calculate extremely fast, faster than any supercomputers. We will tell the legend of a qubit, quantum entanglement, and how you can make secure encryption protocol possible. We will also review the 2019 Google breakthrough with their Sycamore quantum chip and the 2020 USTC breakthrough with their Jiuzhang optical quantum computer.

Are you excited about all these? To better prepare you for going into physics in college, in the end, we will provide you with an overview of the undergraduate physics curriculum. If time permits, we will also talk about our current research projects.

Algebra, calculus, differential equations, linear algebra

S734: Lemurology 101
Difficulty: **

We're going to be checking out the land of the lemurs, deep in the forests of Madagascar! Come check out some lemurs you've never seen before, and those that love to move it- move it! We'll be looking at their diets, habitats, and familial pairings in the wild (and cute videos of them in action too!)

S744: Dismantling White Supremacy in Science
Difficulty: *

Dig into the inequities underlying modern science and explore underrepresented forms of science, like that of global Indigenous cultures!

S746: Bioprinting: The Future of Medicine
Difficulty: *

On-demand organ transplants, expedited drug development, and skin grafts for burn victims are just the surface of what you can achieve with the developing field of bioprinting. Bioprinting is the combination of 3D printing technology with materials that incorporate living cells, and quite honestly the coolest combo you may or may not never heard of. Join us to learn what it takes to bio-print a viable organ, and how you can leave your mark on the next biggest thing in medicine!

S747: Urine My Heart: All About Kidneys

You know what kidney beans are. You know what urine is. But do you know what your kidneys do? Your kidneys are one of the most important organs in your body. This course will go over kidney function and how it is relevant to chronic kidney disease and kidney failure. This class functions as both an introduction to physiology course and awareness presentation noting the importance of screening for chronic kidney disease.

S749: Exploring Bioethics: Deciphering Dilemmas in Science and Medicine

Should we let robots do surgery? Is it okay to test prescription drugs on animals? Should we let parents use CRISPR technology to alter their baby’s DNA? There’s no clear answer, but this exploratory course can help! We will tackle major ethical issues in the bioengineering and medical fields, often bringing in examples from media, like “Grey's Anatomy” or “Gattaca.”
After an introduction to the four pillars of bioethics, students will be able to engage in open discussions about a variety of bioethical topics ranging from biotechnology to clinical bioethics. Through this, we will help them hone their problem-solving and analytical skills.

S754: 24 Hours in the Sky
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Anna Coerver

In "24 Hours in the Sky," we will follow our sky over the course of a day, looking at what's there, why, and how to find it. We will be covering the physics behind rainbows, "sun dogs," sunsets, and more, and learning about constellations throughout the seasons. This course will be a lecture format open to all levels, but I will be introducing a fair amount of algebra- and trigonometry-based math and physics. Time allowing, we will also cover some of the ancient mythologies and lore that explained these sky phenomena before the physics behind them was understood!

Algebra, trigonometry (optional)

S756: What's the Buzz on Biotech? Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Justin Oh

The biotechnology industry is an emerging field that is creating tomorrow’s biggest breakthrough in medicine and pharmaceuticals. Contrary to popular belief, the biotechnology industry needs more than just researchers in the biomedical sciences; it also needs business leaders, policymakers, entrepreneurs, and so many more. In this course, we will collectively explore the biotechnology industry by talking about its people and their impact on our world, the development process of Pfizer’s and Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccines, and the reasons why biotechnology is our next biggest thing.

S757: A Modern Scientist in Ancient Greece: How to Kickstart Civilization in Three Easy Steps
Difficulty: **

You probably know a lot about science and math that even the smartest ancient Greeks didn't. The ancient world's most academic civilization didn't know about electricity, evolution, or even algebra! This talk explores a deceptively simple question: if you were sent back to ancient Greece, how much could you advance their civilization, and what strategy should you take? In answering, we'll explore the surprisingly complex tree of technology underlying modern society, and explain how a clever time traveler could create some basic modern tech in an ancient world.

Also, have any weird questions of your own you're curious about? At the end of the talk, we'll open the floor to audience questions, working out rough answers and explaining our reasoning.
Also, have any weird questions of your own you're curious about? For part of this talk, we'll open the floor to audience questions, working out rough answers and explaining our reasoning.

S759: Introduction to Human Neuroanatomy
Difficulty: **

Through this course, we will explore the different structures of the brain that allow us to feel emotions, make sense of our surroundings, and help us function in our daily lives. We will also be exploring different neurological and psychiatric disorders that might arise due to impairments in certain brain structures.

Some knowledge of high school biology

S765: Chemistry of colors Full!
Difficulty: **

Ever wondered about how colors are created? Join us and learn about the chemistry behind colors! Students will learn about electron excitations, absorption/emission spectra, and conjugation.


S769: Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine Full!
Difficulty: **

Want to learn how heart cells can be regenerated after a heart attack or a lung can be grown in the lab? Join us to learn more about the stem cells that make this novel research possible! We will be going over the basics of stem cells, their applications in medicine, and their usages in other fields, including food science!


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X682: Applying 101: Navigating the UC Application Full!
Difficulty: *

Applying to the UCs and college in general can be difficult and often times scary. Come join a student advisor from UC Berkeley's Office of Undergraduate Admissions who's excited to help navigate the UC application with any high school student interested in applying!

You'll gain tips and tricks about the application, learn about how college life is, and hear my story as a UC Berkeley student.

X687: Intimate Justice: Reimagining Sex Ed
Difficulty: *

*First day of health class*
Teacher: "Don't have sex, because you will get pregnant and die! Don't have sex in the missionary position, don't have sex standing up, just don't do it, OK, promise? OK, now everybody take some rubbers." — Mean Girls (2004)


If you've seen the movie Mean Girls, you know this scene is just for laughs. But actually, that kind of sex ed isn't too far off from the reality in U.S. high schools today. For example, did you know that only 17 states require sex ed program content to just be *medically accurate*? Yep, and there are a lot more mind-boggling facts where that came from.

Or maybe you feel like you've learned enough -- you know that contraception is good and STI's are bad, and maybe some basics about sexual consent too. But I think there's a lot more to sex ed than learning what's safe and legal. If you'd like to dip your toes in some sex ed that's *feminist* (i.e. why do straight women typically orgasm less than men during sex — and how can we change that?), *inclusive* (i.e. how can we approach sex ed in an LGBTQ-inclusive way?), and *supportive* (i.e. how do we figure out our own values, boundaries, and desires regarding sex), this class is for you!

X693: Learn to sing Karaoke
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Manju Jain, Meena Jain

Students will learn how to sing along with karaoke


X694: charka
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Meena Jain, Manju Jain

To teach students how to heel yourself by chakras
Teach chanting mantras for Charkas
Deep breathing! 

PLAN: (in 10 min chunks)


Explain what charka is

Mona will explain how to activate the charkas
Meena will show them the slides to pinpoint the location of the chakras in our body
Everyone will join us by chanting mantras with us
Will ask if anyone know about charkas

Meena will show the slides one by one and chant the mantras for each charka and every Student will also chant with her. She and students also associate the colors with charkas to activate and heel their charkas to have happy and healthy life.

Manju will teach how to activate charkas by deep breathing. Students will also do deep breathing with her.

Ask students if they have any questions


X697: Invest in your Future: a Guide to the Stock Market Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Shlok Gore

Goes over the basics of investing, important terms, and how the stock market works.

X709: Minecraft Speedrunning: Classic to Hypermodern
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Luciana Benzan

Ever wanted to learn how to beat Minecraft in under 20 mins? The best of the best can do it in under 15.
In this class learn what it takes to beat Minecraft, several styles of speedrunning, game mechanics to help your runs, and just step by step guide to beat the game.
This class is great for anyone, whether you've played the game since beta or if this is your first exposure to Minecraft. Speedrunning is a cool skill set that can be built really quickly and a great way to experience Minecraft and get to know certain game mechanics.
This class will be focused on 16.1 random seed glitchless speed running but will briefly explain the other forms.

X719: Oral and Dental Health Full!
Difficulty: **

The overall goal of the course is to bring awareness to the importance of proper oral hygiene and its relation to disease. Specifically, this dental health course will discuss oral hygiene, preventive measures, dental procedures and treatments, oral diseases, new dental technology through interactive activities, the introduction of 5-6 specialties within dentistry, and the process of applying to dental school.

X732: Intro to Startups
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Amrita Bhasin

Are you interested in what a startup is and how you can gain exposure to the startup world? Do you want to know what skills and abilities are necessary to start a startup? This course will teach you how you can learn about the startup world and entrepreneurship at a young age and teach you how anyone can build a startup with the right mindset, regardless of background and experience.

Interest in startups and Silicon Valley

X745: Financial Tips & Tricks Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Julie Ha, Noah Rumbaoa

Want to learn some financial tips and tricks? Learn how to calculate your net worth! What are stocks, bonds, and CD accounts? Come learn and share advice!

X752: Berkeley Copwatch Presents: Know Your Rights
Difficulty: *

Learn more about your rights when interacting with the police. Bring your questions! We will talk about your rights as they relate to police and how to assert your rights in different types of police interactions.

Berkeley Copwatch is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to monitoring police actions and non-violently asserting our rights. We have been directly monitoring the police in Berkeley for over 30 years!

If you're curious to know more about the work we do, check out berkeleycopwatch.org


X760: Explore the Bay Area
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Julie Ha, Noah Rumbaoa

Why is it called "The Bay Area?" Want to know more about the different types of places to travel to and foods to try? What is the Silicon Valley? Come play trivia games, participate in interactive activities, and learn new things!

X761: Chess for Beginners
Difficulty: **

If you want to learn to beat your dad at chess, this is the class for you. We’ll learn basic openings, tactics, and checkmate strategies. There will also be the chance to play game or two and put your knowledge to use. Hopefully by the end, you’ll understand how to think like a chess player!

*Note if your chess ability is intermediate, you may not get much out of this class. However, you are still more than welcome to come!

Knowledge of the basic rules of chess

X764: Intro to Notion Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Sarah Chang

Struggling to find the perfect digital planner? Look no further because Notion will be your saving grace. In this class, we will walk through the basic functions of Notion to help you transform your digital workspace into a powerful organizational tool. The class will also emphasize the importance of aesthetics because the combination of functionality and beauty prompt productivity and motivation.

X748: Personal Finance
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Alexander Zerkle

Get an introduction to a variety of topics to get your bearings in the personal finance world. Includes taxes, many kinds of investing, and more!
Adapted from the Personal Finance DeCal at UC Berkeley.