Teacher Registration is now closed! 

Spring Splash: 04/13/25 Schedule (PST)

9:00 am - 10:00 am: Check-in (Check in 20+ minutes before your first class)

10:00 am - 1:00 pm: Classes (most begin at 10 AM)

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm: Lunch Break
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm : Classes


 Please register with your Berkeley email. If you are not a Berkeley affiliate (undergrad/graduate/postdoc/professor) please send us an email with your university email address. We will approve case by case. If you are not a currently registered University student, you are not eligible to teach for Splash at Berkeley. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

As a Splash teacher, you can inspire eager high school students by sharing your passions with them. You design your own class and can teach any topic you think is interesting. You can lead a workshop, give a lecture, teach a skill, or run an activity. You can teach for 1 hour or more, and you set the size of the classes.

What can I teach about?

Anything works! You can teach any class from partial differential equations to swordplay in the medieval ages, to how to knit a scarf. As long as the course is appropriate for and engaging to high school students, we're open to everything! We offer reimbursements as well for class supplies, upon approval by an admin member. See courses from our recent past programs with these links: Spring 2023Fall 2023, and Spring 2024

As a club, we are committed to providing the best resources at our disposal! Therefore, we have created a Google Drive folder where teachers can find our best teaching resources for Splash and beyond. Take a look here. If you have additional resources that you would like to contribute, please email them to us at splash.berkeley@gmail.com.

What is the time commitment?

Small. Teaching at Splash has a big impact, but it isn't too time intensive! Besides the actual time it takes to teach your class (multiples of 60 minutes, and you must show up 20 minutes before your class), you need to prepare your course material and complete a short (30-60 minute) online training required to work with minors. We offer an optional teacher workshop each semester to help you prepare for your class.

If you are in need of a verification letter please send us an email and we will help take care of that for you!

Program Essentials

Who we are teaching: 9th-12th graders

When: Sunday, April 13th, 2025 from 10 AM - 5 PM PST

Where: In-person on the UC Berkeley Campus, in Dwinelle Hall

Howclick here to register!


Program Registration: Anyone interested in Splash at Berkeley (parents, teachers, community activists, potential students, etc.) can always create an account for our website. Just click here to sign up. By making an account, you will receive emails from us regarding our programs. You are also encouraged to like us on Facebook. Registration for specific programs will be opened about a month before the program date. 

Lunch: Lunch is provided for teachers! We will send out a survey for pizza preferences and dietary restrictions.

Teacher Code of Conduct

By registering to teach for Splash! at Berkeley, you AGREE to the following codes of conduct:

  1. You are currently a UC Berkeley affiliate (enrolled undergraduate/graduate student, postdoc, professor) and have registered with your Berkeley email address (@berkeley.edu). If you are not a Berkeley student, you have gotten permission to teach and are still a registered University student registered with a university email address (.edu).

  2. Conduct yourself professionally, prepare for your class, and treat fellow teachers, students, and other participants with respect. Aim to be a role model for your students.

  3. Teachers cannot perform, nor condone anyone else to perform, any activities that may cause harm to anyone.

  4. Your classes cannot include you or your students doing illegal activities, nor can you explicitly promote illegal activities (e.g. “How to deal drugs 101”). 

  5. We allow our teachers to cover religious, controversial, and politically charged topics as long as they do so in a manner that does not make students feel targeted, unduly uncomfortable, or unable to disagree. While the material may be the same, there is a difference between “preaching” and “teaching” and we require that teachers cover such controversial topics in an open-minded and informative manner.

  6. We do not allow Splash classes to be used as vehicles for advertising or recruitment. Teachers cannot use Splash classes as an opportunity to sell products to students or pressure students to join outside organizations.

  7. We do not allow Splash classes to be used as a platform for gathering data. In-class surveys are permitted as long as that information is not taken or used outside of the classroom.

  8. All communication with students must occur through the mailing lists provided by Splash. Teachers should never share their personal contact information, nor request that of their students. Teachers should exercise extreme caution when directly messaging a student, or a group of students, and do so only if necessary.

Ready to teach?

Registration is open for new classes. Sign up for an account using the link above and like us on Facebook to keep up to date on volunteer opportunities and upcoming programs. As always, let us know if you have problems or questions. Once registered you should receive an email confirmation. If you do not receive a message, please check your Spam or Junk.

Email List and Unsubscribe

If would like to be notified on our mailing list, please make an account and that email will be notified! If you wish to unsubscribe from Splash at Berkeley emails, please deactivate your account here: https://berkeley.learningu.org/myesp/disableaccount

Last modified by alicepeng on March 09, 2025 at 11:10 p.m.