April 13, 2025

Please visit the help desk if you have questions!

Parking Instructions

  • There are a few parking options available:

    • Free

      • Street parking is available a couple of blocks away from campus and typically are only 2-hour zones; please double-check and read the signs.

    • Paid Parking

      • Please refer to this Visitor Parking Map for proximity to Dwinelle Hall

        • Lower Sproul Garage

        • Public Parking Off-campus

      • Please refer to this Lots & Pricing page from UC Berkeley for information on parking machines and hours.

Public Transportation:

  • UC Berkeley is highly accessible by public transit (BART, AC Transit, ferry), so we encourage you to use public transit on the day of Splash.
  • For students receiving financial aid for Splash program admission, we are able to provide you compensation for public transportation.
  • You must email us in advance at splash.berkeley@gmail.com to request public transit financial aid, and you must have completed a financial aid application on our website.
  • We will only reimburse you for BART/bus/ferry fares. We will NOT reimburse you for Lyft, Uber, or Gig rides.
  • Please send a receipt to splash.berkeley@gmail.com within ten days of the Splash program with a clear picture or screenshot of your fare to and from the splash. If you are paying with cash, make sure you get a receipt. If you are using a clipper card (recommended), you can log into your account online to see the transactions.
  • What to include in your email:
    • First and last name

    • Username/4 ID number on splash website (visit the profile section for this)

    • Attached screenshots or clear pictures of your transactions

    • Zelle email/phone number, attached to your account, for us to send reimbursement to.

What to Bring as a Student:

  • All waivers, completed and signed by you and a parent/guardian. The forms can be found here.
  • We offer the option to purchase lunch with us (pizza) through registration. If you did not sign up for lunch, you should either bring a lunch or bring money to purchase lunch from a restaurant near campus.

Teacher Protocol

  1. Arrive at least 15 minutes before your class at Dwinelle Hall to check in at the teacher registration desk.
  2. Head to your class. Wait for the previous teacher to finish before entering and setting up.
  3. Contact the Splash team if you encounter any technical difficulties or need assistance during class.
  4. Be sure to end your class on time so that the next class can start. You are welcome to join us for lunch near the registration desk!

Student Protocol

  1. Please arrive 10-15 minutes early at Dwinelle Hall to check-in and receive your schedule/class information. Student registration will begin at 9:00 AM.

  2. Please be respectful when taking your class, as your teachers have volunteered their day to teach you something they feel passionate about!

  3. Please let us know if there are any questions or concerns at our help desk located at TBD.

  4. LUNCH: If you paid for the lunch option, we will be serving pizza outside on the Glade at 1:00 PM.

Last modified by allisonchamp on March 14, 2025 at 05:26 p.m.