Splash Biography


Major: Anthropology and Psychology

College/Employer: UC Berkeley

Year of Graduation: 2023

Picture of Marissa Grimes

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S725: Journey through the COSMOS in Splash Spring 2021 (Mar. 13, 2021)
Where does everything come from? How did simple chemistry give rise to everything we see today? In this course, we are traveling way back to the dawn of our universe, zooming through the cosmos and fast forwarding through history to explore the evolution of life and everything on Earth and beyond. No prior knowledge is required!

S734: Lemurology 101 in Splash Spring 2021 (Mar. 13, 2021)
We're going to be checking out the land of the lemurs, deep in the forests of Madagascar! Come check out some lemurs you've never seen before, and those that love to move it- move it! We'll be looking at their diets, habitats, and familial pairings in the wild (and cute videos of them in action too!)

A741: How to Field Conduct Music! in Splash Spring 2021 (Mar. 13, 2021)
In this course, we will first look at how to do some basic field conducting (learn different time patterns like 3/4 and 4/4 as well as different styles and when to use them). If we have time, we'll also get into cues and musicality. This is a beginner course, but if you have conducted before, I would LOVE to work on conducting with you!