Splash Biography

SAJANT ANAND, 2nd Physics PhD Student

Major: Physics

College/Employer: UC Berkeley

Year of Graduation: G

Picture of Sajant Anand

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Hello! I am a fifth year Physics PhD student here at Berkeley studying condensed matter theory (i.e. how we can better understand materials using both computers and math). I grew up in the east coast but moved out west for graduate school. I enjoy making intricate desserts and playing squash.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

X1205: Personal Finance in Splash Spring 2024 (Apr. 21, 2024)
Want to know what the different types of banks are? The difference between a credit and debit card? Which credit card do you benefit from the most? Or how to manage a paycheck when you get one? This session. will focus on a very important aspect of adulting which I believe is very underestimated in our education system. I will try my best to cover all the basics that you may need to get you started on looking for economic responsibility. In no way is this objective financial advice, but things I have seen and have experienced multiple bank offers and 5+ credit cards

S1130: Phase Transitions in Splash Fall 2023 (Nov. 18, 2023)
Solid, liquid, gas - these are the phases of matter that we learn about in grade school. But a Google search says there could be up to 21 phases of matter, including science-fiction-sounding ones like "Time crystals." In this class, we'll define phases of matter and focus on "transitions" between them. We will also introduce the "Ising model," a simple yet ubiquitous description of magnets that somehow is connected to the evaporation of water.

M708: Introduction to Neural Networks in Splash Spring 2021 (Mar. 13, 2021)
Neural Networks (NN) have taken the world by storm and have been applied in almost any field to tackle difficult machine learning problems, such as language translation and protein modeling. Work on these models began in the 1960s but really took off in 2010s due to the powerful graphical processing units (GPUs) originally designed for gaming. Even though there are many complicated approaches, the basic neural network requires only addition, multiplication, and a non-linear function. In this class, we'll cover the basics of supervised machine learning, structure of basic networks, and what makes neural networks so powerful when applied to real-world problems. In this class, we hope to provide a basic introduction to NNs that is accessible to anyone interested, even those new to programming.

M675: Quantum Supremacy in Splash Fall 2020 (Oct. 31, 2020)
Last year, Google made a landmark announcement that they had achieved "quantum supremacy," but what exactly does this mean? In this class, we'll give an introduction to what quantum computing and why Google's announcement was such a big deal! We'll cover some basic differences between classical and quantum computing and discuss limitations in the hardware that are keeping quantum computers stuck in the laboratory.