Splash Spring 2022
Course Catalog

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Arts Engineering
Humanities Math & Computer Science
Social Sciences Science


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A901: Introduction to Music Production: Hip Hop & RnB
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Shlok Gore

In this lesson we will dive into how songs are made, starting with their production and ending with their final mix. The lesson will wrap up with a live construction of a song to better exemplify this creative process.

A903: Introduction to Orthographic Video Game Art
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Anthony Lara

This course is designed to learn about isometric, dimetric, and oblique projection. We will learn why these are used in video games and how to make artwork using any of these three projection types. Additionally, there will be discussion of basic "2.5D" game design.

A912: Introduction to Ceramics Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Gabrielle Ngia

Prepare to get a little messy with this hands-on experience! We'll begin by covering the basics and background of working with clay before letting you have you own go with the medium. To allow you to bring your creations home, we are using paper clay for the workshop.

A915: Calligraphy & Hand Lettering for Beginners
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Justine Xie

Are you interested in learning how to do calligraphy? Do you want to make pretty handwritten notes for school? Do you want to start bullet-journalling? Then this is the class for you!

In this class, you will get an opportunity to learn and practice
- Calligraphy basics
- Calligraphy in different fonts
- Faux calligraphy, a type of hand lettering that can be done without brush pens, only using markers or pens

You don’t need any experience with cursive writing to learn to do calligraphy! Everyone is welcome. Calligraphy brush pens will be provided!

A920: Multimedia Authoring in Arts and Humanities - New Definitions of Text
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Jon Winet

Overview of how traditional text and papers, and art can now be reimagined as multimedia research works that include video, photography, graphic design, audio _and_ text.

The class session will include an overview, some in-class exercises, and discussion.

A939: Welcome to Clown College: Introduction to Balloon Art
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Jacob Azurin

History of balloon art, artists, and technology to build a foundation in creating balloon animals. Will leave knowing how to make a dog and sword.

A947: Introduction to Crochet
Difficulty: *

New to crochet or just getting started? This class will help you learn the basics of crocheting so you can develop the skills to make stuffed animals, blankets and more!


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E860: Civil Engineering 101 Full!

Ever look around and wonder how the buildings, roads, bridges, water systems, or cities in general came to be? Interested in civil engineering or curious as to what it even is? Come join us to learn the basics of one of humanity's oldest engineering disciplines! Afterwards, we will be doing an activity to put your newfound civil engineering skills to work.

E866: Introduction to Bioprinting
Difficulty: **
Teachers: X Sun

This course is serving as an introduction of the field of bioprinting / regenerative medicine. We will be learning the basic prnciples of various 3D printing methods and how they are being applied to bioprinting and what are their advantages and disadvantages.

E876: IEEE Micromouse
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Matthew Tran

Learn about the things that go into designing, building, and programming a tiny, autonomous, maze-solving robot.

E884: Bioengineering 101

Learn a little bit about majoring in bioengineering as we give a presentation about the overview of the field. This will include information about different concentrations, extracurriculars, career paths, and internships/research.

E886: Hands-On PCB Engineering

Learn about PCBs (Printed Circuit Boards), and solder a circuit board that blinks an LED (Light Emitting Diode)!

Chemistry OR Physics (Concurrent is fine)

E899: Cockpit Basics: Airplane Instruments Explained
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Jeremy Axelrod

Have you ever seen an airplane cockpit and wondered what all those dials, gauges, and switches are for? Then this is the class for you! We will learn about the primary flight instruments present in every airplane, how they work, and how to read them!

E913: 3D Modeling with CAD
Difficulty: **

CAD, or Computer Aided Design, is used in many different science and engineering fields to create models that aid in the design process. We will be exploring together how Autodesk's CAD can be used.


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H864: Celtic Identity and the Ancient Diaspora
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Owen Sheard

In this course, students can expect to learn more about the broader sense of what can be called "celtic," discovering the large range of lands on which people in this loose group once lived and the aspects that bound them together - and, ultimately, their fate. Some modern areas we will be looking at with a historical lense include: Spain, Turkey, Ireland, England, and several others.


H878: Hypertext, Fanfic, Memes, and More: A Survey of Electronic Literature
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Mallen Clifton

The acceleration of growth in technology and the advent of the internet has provided writers with various new avenues to explore literature. This course aims to view how various exploitations of technology can produce stories--something called "electronic literature." As a general survey of the field, we'll read and watch examples from the three main generations of electronic literature. For any student with an appreciation for literature, technology, innovation and more, this course will provide something exciting and satisfactory.

Difficulty: *
Teachers: Hailey Barneich

MEDLIFE is a UC Berkeley Club which focuses on providing local and abroad sustainable volunteering in communities experiencing poverty. We work locally with the unhoused community in Berkeley/Alameda as well as abroad in Lima Peru providing health services and access to health services.

H905: Berkeley Fiction Review: Small Press Publishing
Difficulty: **

Ever picked up a book and wondered what the publishing process looked like? Berkeley Fiction Review is a student-run literary journal that publishes a collection of short stories and artwork annually. Our class will give a general overview of the publishing and media industry. Learn about the various roles and skills needed to make a team at a publishing house. Then, learn what it’s like to edit and design a book!

H917: Sociology of Actualization: Crafting your Personal Narrative
Difficulty: *

How do our lives become narratives? Stories? Movies? Paintings? How can you see the full scope of your life when this is the only one you know? This class will discuss writing as a way of forming narratives, but also provide the sociological perspectives on how society limits us from achieving our full potential as individuals. In fact, we can even envision & construct as a class what the ideal society for becoming your true self looks like.

H870: Female Kingship and Power
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Fawziyah Laguide

Most of history is taught from the male perspective with emphasis on male conquest and achievement, today we break this cycle.

One historian and author named William Monter, avoids calling female sovereigns “Queens” as it may refer to the “wife of a king” in many European languages, he argues that a woman holding supreme power in her own right is properly described as a “female king”.

In this course we will follow suit with his terminology and analyze the female kings and powerful position holders across Europe. We will learn and analyze these sovereigns in relation to basic and royal life in the time period, and country of the monarch, along with the country’s culture and political dynamics, the monarch’s royal life in general, the early childhood of this monarch, their family ties, rise to power, political accomplishments, historical impacts, their death or fall from power and the aftermath of their life decisions. Then we will transition to analyze how they are portrayed on screen and in media, through an episode of Reign, and discuss how this impacts the image they have today.

We will cover multiple grounds to understand Mary Queen of Scots, Catherine de Medici, and Elizabeth 1st them as women and as politicians.

Not a prerequisite, but spoilers from the show Reign, will be revealed, so I recommend you finish it.

Math & Computer Science

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M896: Exploring Data Science

Data science, a combination of statistics and computer science, is a rapidly expanding field and applicable to almost any subject. Learn how you can use numbers to figure out facts about the world, make predictions, and visualize trends. We aim to make this course accessible to all skill levels, regardless of past experience.

Based on UC Berkeley's fastest growing introductory class with over 1500 students and taught by current course staff.

M910: Surreal Numbers and Games
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Jordan Hines

Learn how to play Hackenbush, a simple game that leads to interesting mathematics. After getting some practice playing, we'll see how the game inspires the surreal numbers, a system of numbers that allows us to to play with infinity in an unusual way.

M922: How does a smartphone really work?
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Avinash Nandakumar

Ever wondered what magic goes on inside of a computer or smartphone that makes it work? This course will introduce you to the basics of computer architecture, computer science, and electrical engineering. This brief overview of a how a computer goes from binary to code to applications will show you the entire hardware/software stack of the EECS department.

M924: Introduction to Machine Learning

This course serves as a very light introduction to the concept of machine learning and how it can be used in the field of data science.

Algebra preferred

M925: Exciting math puzzles (and their exciting math)!
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Efe Aras

Suppose we give three people black and white hats by tossing a fair coin; then we ask individually what their hat color is. They can either guess it or pass. Now, how can you maximize your chances that one person gets the correct answer if we need to make sure that noone is wrong? One caveat: noone hears the other peoples' answer. What if we had 7 people? 255?

How about the following: 10 people are lined up tallest the shortest on a line, and we ask from back to front what their hat color is; how can you ensure that at most one person gets their hat color incorrectly? What if we had 100 people? 1000?

Maybe this puzzle? We have n people, and m possible colors for hats, and m < n; how can you make sure that at least one person guesses their hat color correctly?

There are loads more puzzles (Alice and Bob are sending a suitcase to each other with padlocks; 100 prisoners in a room opening 50 boxes to find their number; the classic blue eyes-green eyes puzzle; the checkerboard puzzle; the last card trick of the game of SET), and each of these relies on various interesting branches of mathematics and computer science! (Abstract algebra, combinatorics, algorithms, information theory, probability, logic, random graph theory etc.) While we cannot hope to explore all of these puzzles to a sufficient depth (and the associated mathematical fields) in an hour, we can do a few of these to get a taste of some of the puzzles!

Basic probability would be helpful (By basic, I expect you can understand and answer the following two questions: a) What is the probability that a fair coin lands heads? b) I toss the fair coin four times, it landed heads on all four times; what is the probability that it is going to land heads again?) Most important prerequisite is enjoying doing maths! If you are getting excited about the course description, I think you have already satisfied this!

M937: Introduction to Cryptography
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Troy Tsubota

Today, the Internet is used for almost every part of our lives: communication, shopping, banking, and so much more. Unfortunately, Internet attackers are out there, so we want to send sensitive information securely. How can we do this?

In this class, we will cover the basics of public-key cryptography. We will learn what constitutes a secure communication system and how one might create such a system. Along the way, we will uncover some beautiful mathematics involving prime numbers.

High school algebra

M943: The Fourier Transform: an Idea That Changed the World
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Karthik Siva

If there is a single idea that permeates nearly every field of science and engineering but the name of which is unknown to most people, it is the Fourier transform. Although the basic idea is nearly 200 years old, it is so ubiquitous that scientists are still developing ever faster ways to perform the transform computationally. In this class, we will develop intuition for what the transform is, how it works, and what you can do with it. Some applications that may be covered (pending time and interest) include:

* Data compression
* Signal processing
* Music Theory
* Acoustic Engineering
* Electrical Engineering
* Quantum Mechanics

Come learn about (arguably) the most important mathematical tool in all of science! Emphasis will be on examples, visualizations, intuition, and applications rather than formal mathematics.

Required: trigonometry; Suggested: calculus and/or linear algebra

M944: Computer Modeling for Biological Applications
Difficulty: **

Calling all modeling enthusiasts! Come learn about some of the newest modeling technologies, such as AlphaFold (protein folding using machine learning), Fold.it (protein folding simulation game), and Eterna (RNA based puzzles). We will go into a brief history of computer modeling, some theory of how these technologies are implemented, and then a fun hands on demo where students can play around with some of these programs themselves!

Basic biology, math background.

M946: CS theory and Algorithms: Basics and Real-life applications
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Himanshi Mehta

In this class, we will talk about what algorithms are, some real-life applications, and why they are important to know, especially in most areas of computer science.

We will also cover examples of algorithmic strategies such as greedy, divide and conquer, randomization, dynamic programming. There would be some examples of graph algorithms as well.

M948: How to Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss CS Full!
Difficulty: *

Have you ever felt like Computer Science (CS) isn’t for you? Have you ever not seen someone who looks like you in CS? Have you wanted to learn CS but never had the opportunity and/or don’t know where to start?

This class will address some common issues and misconceptions within the tech world regarding gender and race and how you as a student can succeed. Or you as a person can break into the tech world and succeed. The range of topics we plan to address include (but are not limited to):

- What is CS, DS, and tech?
- Imposter syndrome
- Where to start with cs
- What opportunities exist
- How do you succeed if you go into cs and ways of studying
- Self-teaching cs
- What does having a job in tech look like
- Tour of CS/EECS at Berkeley → what the EECS department looks like, how its run, clubs
- Ethics in CS

Social Sciences

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O873: Archaeological Myths and Misrepresentations in Video Games and Films
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Will Gerardo

Archaeology? What is it? This class will introduce you to the archaeological inaccuracies and falsified depictions in popular video games and films. Along with some background context and innovative discussion, we will tackle how archaeological stereotypes are perceived! We will talk about games such as Tomb Raider, Pokémon, Animal Crossing, and more! Also, films like Indiana Jones and Night at the Museum will be explored.

O874: Intro to Anthropology
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Rosie Fei, Will Gerardo

Want to research human evolution, find artifacts, trace the DNA in human bones, or perform cross-cultural analyses? These are all things anthropologists do! Anthropology is the interdisciplinary study of humans across dozens of different fields. In this course, we will discuss anthropology and its three major subfields: socio-cultural, archaeology, and biological anthropology. We will also look at what anthropologists do and what jobs they have after graduation. Finally, we will learn about how cultural groups have been affected by anthropology and how modern anthropologists are revolutionizing the field.

O882: Attack on Titan Academy
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Eugene Pan

This course re-examines the famous Japanese animation Attack on Titan from four different areas, thereby challenging students to think both creatively and critically about the contemporary world. Through utilizing models and theories drawn from political science, philosophy, game theory, and leadership, the course aims to strengthen students’ intellectual understanding of Attack on Titan and their ability to apply the knowledge to real-life issues related to the distribution of power, domination, free will vs. determinism, the game of warfare, and strategic thinking.

O885: What is Public Health?: Minorities in Health

Hello! Ever heard of Public Health? This is an entire field concentrated on the health of the societies, communities, and populations our world consists of. There are a vast number of medical and health subjects that fall under Public Health that we want to introduce at a high school level! A great goal of Public Health is to tackle the many health disparities found among different groups of people, especially those traditionally underserved by our existing health system. This class aims to introduce the concept of Public Health at an understandable and digestible level to high school students. We will provide case-by-case situations and studies that showcase this field's extreme relevance and importance. From exploring homelessness to mental health, join us in an exploration of social determinants that are applicable to your lives today and your studies for anyone interested in health fields or those that are adjunct :)

O887: Careers is Psychology 101
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Alejandra Oceguera

The focus of this DeCal is to help students not only within UC Berkeley and the Psychology Department, but also outside the university. The goal is to give students a broader view of what a career in psychology means.

O891: A Critical Understanding of Public Health

This interactive and discussion-based course aims to introduce students to public health and how it impacts everyday lives. We’ll explore the different areas of public health and look at how medicine, the environment, and social-structural forces play a role in health. Learn how you can make a difference in public health!

O928: A Crash Course in the War on Drugs: History, Racism, and Incarceration
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Maya Luong

Why are we taught to say no to drugs? What are drugs? Who uses drugs? How has the war on drugs fed into our prison industrial complex today? This crash course will challenge the way you perceive drugs, their roles in our society, and introduce you to how the war on drugs has shaped our society today. You do not need to have taken any particular classes to take this class! All are welcome!

O932: Introduction to Disability-Centered Design
Difficulty: *

Are you interested in discovering how disability-centered research is conducted? Perhaps you are interested in UX/UI, disability identity and studies, or you're just plain curious! This course will examine the oft-cited Principles of Universal Design, present case studies of disability-centered prototyping, and highlight disability-centered research pathways. Students will have the opportunity to learn about exciting research being conducted and how they can make a lasting impact in their chosen spheres of influence.

This course is a fantastic introduction to the design and research space, particularly for students interested in pursuing academic research. No prior knowledge is expected, and students will leave with a more nuanced understanding of the design and prototyping process.

Course materials are the work of the UC Berkeley Disability Lab, a nexus for disability studies and research led by Dr. Karen Nakamura. The Disability Lab is comprised of majority-disabled researchers and conducts several active research projects across academic disciplines (i.e. mechanical engineering, computer science, anthropology, arts & literature, data science, and more!).

O945: The Modern Supreme Court and Us
Difficulty: **

Why is it so difficult to pass comprehensive gun reform? Who was RBG, and who is Stephen Breyer? Where do voting rights stand? What happened in the election of 2000? What is Roe v. Wade—is it actually overturned? How does social identity play a part in the Constitution? Is affirmative action considered Constitutional? What is the Constitution, and how does it affect our everyday lives? Should we still follow the Constitution, or create a new one? What does it mean when people say the Supreme Court is 6-3? And where do we go from here?

This course examines all of these topics and more by delving into the most important institution of the judicial branch—and how the civil rights, civil liberties, and lives of millions repeatedly lie in the hands of nine people. This discussion-based course will serve as an introduction to the modern Supreme Court and give students the opportunity to learn about the intersection of law, race, religion, and identity.


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S857: Space Technologies and Rocketry
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Aarabhi Achanta

With UC Berkeley's premier rocketry team, STAR, learn about the fundamentals of rocketry and engineering as you take a journey to space! Later, you will be able to work in a group of students to build your own model rocket and watch it fly! No prior experience necessary.

S858: Introduction to CRISPR
Difficulty: **

This class will introduce students to the development, use, and complications of the gene editing technology CRISPR Cas-9. Discovered by UC Berkeley’s Jennifer Doudna, CRISPR Cas-9 has revolutionized the world of gene editing and mutation. We will also consider the ethical concerns that are brought to light by making CRISPR increasingly accessible. Please join us for an informative and interactive discussion about how this system has the potential to impact the world around us! You are also welcome to bring other questions you may have about UC Berkeley or the life sciences :)

S861: Drinking water: what is coming out of your tap?
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Jackie O'Hara

This course will discuss the many factors that affect water quality that can have an impact on human health. We will discuss case studies of when water was not properly managed or when it was polluted and the resulting health outcomes. You will leave with a new appreciation for clean water, and with skills to find out what is in your own water, and how to be a water advocate for your community!

S863: Biomedical Ethics: Times Science Went Too Far
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Jackie O'Hara

This class will discuss the ever evolving ethical landscape in the realm of biological and medical research. You will learn about historical research abuse, their outcomes, and how they shape the field today.

Note: please be aware that some of the historical content in this class may get a bit heavy as we will learn about real research abuses and tragedies

S865: Urine My Heart: All About Kidneys
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Julia Zhou

You know what kidney beans are. You know what urine is. But do you know what your kidneys do? Your kidneys are one of the most important organs in your body. This course will go over kidney function and how it is relevant to chronic kidney disease and kidney failure. This class functions as both an introduction to physiology course and awareness presentation noting the importance of screening for chronic kidney disease.


S867: Genetics + Ethics
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Vivian Bui, Fiona Oh

Curious about and interested in discussing the social and ethical implications of new genetic technologies?

Consider Genetics + Ethics! This class explores this question in relation to some of the many topics within the intersection of genetics and bioethics, such as eugenics, consumer privacy, crime and law enforcement, medicine, agriculture, and many more. Students will have a chance to learn about some new genetic technologies and to consider how these technologies might impact their own lives. No prior knowledge of genetics or biology necessary!

S872: THE SKELETON: Bioarchaeology & Forensics & Osteology
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Will Gerardo

Yeah, the skeleton....pretty cool. Ever wondered about just how weird and interesting your bones are? This class will introduce you to the bones in your body and how careers in science-related fields study them. Using research studies, archaeological context, and popular TV shows like Bones, we will discuss how different fields approach them.

**Forewarning: Images of skeletal remains will be shown. NO graphic content will be shown.

S888: Introduction to Skincare

This course is designed to introduce you to a more critical, scientific approach when analyzing skincare. We will be going over skin anatomy, dermatology, and how to build a skincare routine.

S889: Microbes and Humanity: From Bread to CRISPR
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Sonali Pfile

Life on this planet began with single-celled organisms. How did they shape the world as we know it? This course will explore microbial contributions to the past, present, and future of humanity. We will discuss the origins of microbiology, and explore the ways that microbes have influenced the atmosphere, food, agriculture, and most recently, gene editing.

S890: Medical Microbiology: Pathogens and Plague
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Sonali Pfile

Have you ever wondered why the Black Plague was so deadly? In this class, we will examine the way bacteria and viruses hijack our cells and cause disease. We will begin with a foundation in microbiology, which will help us understand pathogens and the discoveries that have helped us fight them. We will also explore current issues in medical microbiology, such as antibiotic resistance, E. coli outbreaks, and what we can learn from COVID-19.

S894: Become a Quantum Mechanic: From Quarks to the Higgs Boson
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Pablo Castano

Have you ever wondered what makes up the universe? What makes up matter? In this course, you will learn about the underlying physics behind our universe, the crazy particles that live around you like neutrinos or muons, and perhaps you will also gain inspiration to become a physics major! No experience in physics required, but interest in the subject is!

S897: Black Holes: The Most Fascinating Zoo in the Universe
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Natasha Abrams

Black holes are some of the most extreme objects in the universe. They push the boundaries of our knowledge and hold many unsolved mysteries. Come learn about black holes from "small" to enormous, how we detect them, and explore the frontiers of astrophysics!

S898: Einstein's Theory of Relativity
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Pablo Castano

I remember being a kid and someone randomly telling me that $$E=mc^2$$, and I didn't really know how to react. Now most of my research and interests relies on that equation being true. If you want to learn about space, time, energy, black holes, and cool mind-blowing physics, come over! No knowledge required!

S904: Seas Get Degrees
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Ishan Gurnani

Water covers 75% of the Earth’s surface, and it is estimated that humans have only explored
around 5% of the ocean. We actually know less about our oceans than we know about our solar
system! The ocean is home to millions of different species that are constantly interacting with
one another. However, the ocean ecosystem is under constant stress from human activity that
includes ocean acidification, temperature rise, overfishing, coral destruction, and pollution. In
this lesson, mentees will explore the effects of human activity on the food web as well as model
some of the simplest organisms in the sea, plankton.

S906: Animal toxins in natural history museums: the good, the bad, and the ugly

Legend holds that, in the 1950s, three men were found dead at a campsite. There were no wounds. And no weapons. The killer? A poisonous California newt which had fallen into their coffee pot. In this 2-hour course we will teach you about some of the powerful poisons and terrifying toxins found in animals, and you will get the chance to see preserved museum specimens of toxic toads, poison frogs, venomous snakes, newts, monarch butterflies, and many more! Our research group is part of the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology and studies animal toxins. Museums are important places for research, and UC Berkeley has multiple natural history museums containing millions of specimens from all parts of the world. This course will also introduce you to natural history museums and the ways that biologists utilize these institutions.

S916: Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
Difficulty: **

Have you ever heard of spraying on skin to heal burns or growing a fully functional lung in a lab? Join us to get an overview of stem cells basics and to learn about more of these incredible stem cell applications!

S918: Bioprinting: The Future of Medicine

On-demand organ transplants expedited drug development, and skin grafts for burn victims are just the surface of what you can achieve with the developing field of bioprinting. Bioprinting is the combination of 3D printing technology with materials that incorporate living cells, and quite honestly the coolest combo you may or may not never heard of. Join us to learn what it takes to bio-print a viable organ, and how you can leave your mark on the next biggest thing in medicine!

S919: So Long, and Thanks for All the Spacetime
Difficulty: **

In this session we will take a whirlwind journey through analyzing the structure of our universe through the lens of relativity.

The theory of relativity, in its special and general forms, remains a remarkable milestone in human scientific achievement. Demanding a revolutionary, and often unintuitive, way to think about space, time, and our universe, relativity manifests as an extremely elegant geometric theory which can be linked to a variety of physical phenomena, including muon decay, gravitational lensing, black holes, and cosmology, the last of which we will explore extensively.

Beginning with electromagnetism and the origins of special relativity, this class will then proceed to give both a qualitative and quantitative treatment of the theory of general relativity and all of its glorious implications, triumphs, and remaining mysteries -- from the beginning of our universe to its (theorized) lonely end.

There are no strict prerequisites for this class, although any amount of knowledge of electromagnetism, mechanics, linear algebra, and/or calculus would probably enrich your experience. The biggest prerequisite however is always just curiosity!

S921: CSI: Supernova, The Death of a Star
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Daniel Brethauer

Stars live for millions of years, but it only takes a fraction of a moment as their lives end in a spectacular stellar fireworks display known as a supernova. This course will investigate these 'cosmic crime scenes' and how astronomers are able to piece together the mystery of a star's life before its demise.

S923: From Stars to Sapphires
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Anna Coerver

When people say we're made of star stuff, it's really true! Heavy elements are generated in the cores of stars in a process called nuclear fusion, and energetic explosions distribute these elements throughout the universe. In this course, we will explore the path elements on our earth take from the cores of stars to our backyards. We will also discuss the origins of various rare metals and gems, and explore the intersection of astrophysics, chemistry and geology. Comfort with algebra is recommended, but the class is open to all!


S927: Introduction to Stem Cells
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Rhea Sood, Kerem Yazgan

Provides a basic knowledge of what stem cells are and the different types of stem cells. Goes into detail about induced stem cells and potential therapeutic uses.

Basic understanding of normal cell structure and cell division and replication.

S930: Neurotechnology: Engineering for the Brain
Difficulty: **

Overview of Neurotechnology: the development of interfaces to learn from or control neural activity, ranging from brain-machine interfaces to neural prostheses. Foundational concepts such as neuroscience, bioelectricity, signal processing, and machine learning. Discussion of recent advances in the field, including research conducted at UC Berkeley / UCSF and hot startups.

S933: From Nucleic Acids to Proteins: a Lab-Guided Journey through the Central Dogma
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Xavier Tao, Caleb Yang

The central dogma of molecular biology dictates the flow of genetic information throughout the vast majority of biological organisms, from tiny prokaryotes like bacteria to higher order humans like you and I. Join us on a molecular journey through the central dogma supplemented with hands-on lab experiments involving extracting DNA and analyzing protein function. No prior biology or chemistry knowledge is assumed. This course is taught by the course staff of MCB198: A Primer on Molecular Biology DeCal.

An interest in science in general, biology, biochemistry, or chemistry; no prior knowledge is assumed!

S938: Lights, Camera, Bioethics!
Difficulty: **

What does it mean to bring an extinct dinosaur back to life? How does Dr. Grey decide between saving two patients?
We will be examining bioethical issues in movie and TV portrayals: everything from Jurassic Park to Grey's Anatomy!

Bioethics is all about the ethics of biological innovations and procedures. Although the issues presented in film can seem far-fetched and fictional, many of their ethical implications are relevant to the real world!


S941: Introduction to Orthopedic Sciences
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Natalie Sun

This is an introduction to the field of orthopedic medicine and sciences, with a broad overview of topics such as biomechanics, bone physiology, neuroscience and the skeletal system, and more. We also offer the chance to learn more about the orthopedic pre-medical track from the perspective of current undergraduates at Berkeley.

S942: Cool Color Chemistry: Iodine clock, DNA extraction, and ocean acidification Full!
Difficulty: **

What do you imagine when you think of the word "chemistry"? Fire and explosions? A mad scientist in a lab coat with a flask of bubbling liquid?

Chemistry is much more than fire and explosions. Chemistry is a "central science" that can explain almost anything you can think of: DNA, climate change, color, and many more.

In this course, you will get to perform hands-on, colored-driven experiments to demonstrate various concepts. You might even be able to take a vial of your own DNA home!

Current enrollment in chemistry useful but not required

S949: Introduction to Forensic Science
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Jessica Jen

We will cover select divisions of forensic science, including: toxicology, anthropology, pathology, and comparative forensics (trace evidence).

High school biology recommended


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X859: College for Dummies
Difficulty: **

This class is an introduction to surviving college! This is what we will be going over:
- Making most of your college life without overwhelming yourself
- Tips for balancing everything: studying, socializing, cooking, mental health, and much more
- How to combat imposter syndrome and enjoy college to the fullest!

X868: Pre-Law Decal
Difficulty: *

Right now you guys are probably thinking about which college you want to go to- but have you ever thought about what you want to do after that? This class will go over what goes into what law school is all about and what you can do after law school.

X869: Copwatch: Community Based Accountability
Difficulty: *

Students will learn about the complex issues faced by residents caught between “high crime” in their neighborhoods and the dangers that racial profiling, civil and human rights abuses bring to the community. Students will be trained in basic criminal procedure, power analysis, and techniques for observing police activity. In addition, students will examine the history and origins of police, resistance movements, and community based alternatives to the justice system as we know it.


X883: Public Speaking
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Lauren Adams

Learn the very basics of public speaking and how to grab and keep people's attention when delivering a message.

X892: Navigating College and Imposter Syndrome
Difficulty: *

College can be scary on its own, and that little voice in our heads that makes us doubt ourselves at times does not make it any easier. In this course we'll talk about what it's like to navigate college in a healthy way that helps turn the volume of that little voice down. We will help answer any questions you may have about higher education and provide helpful tips from someone who has real life experience.

X895: Introduction to Startups and Silicon Valley
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Amrita Bhasin

Are you interested in what a startup is and how you can gain exposure to the startup world? Do you want to know what skills and abilities are necessary to start a startup? This course will teach you how you can learn about the startup world and entrepreneurship at a young age and teach you how anyone can build a startup with the right mindset, regardless of background and experience.

interest in startups and Silicon Valley

X907: Project Reboot: learn to reset your relationship with technology
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Dino Ambrosi

One of the primary factors that will determine your success in college and beyond is the relationship you have with your devices. If used properly, technology can help you learn more effectively, manage your time, and live a more intentional life, but for many of us our devices drain our time and scatter our attention.

Project Reboot will give you concrete steps to reset your relationship with technology and build healthy digital habits. During the workshop you will analyze your device usage and how it scales over time, discuss the harms and benefits of social media with peers, reconfigure your devices to make them less addictive and distracting, set intentions for your relationship with social media, and be introduced to a number of strategies to leverage apps like Notion, Roam, Google Calendar, and Things 3 to become a better student.

Although the workshop will be only 2 hours long, you will walk out with resources that will serve you throughout college and beyond. Students will get access to a set of Notion templates designed for college students, and have the option to join an online community of over 50 peers that are working together to build better digital habits.

X908: Introduction to Game Development in Unity Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: David Tan

In this class, we will dive into the basics of game development using the Unity engine! Alongside the theories, we will also be developing a small 2D space shooter type game project. In particular, we will be going over:
- Navigating the Unity editor
- Creating game objects and attach custom behaviours to them as C# scripts
- Writing programs in C#
- And more!

Beginner level programming experience with a high-level language eg Python.

X909: Transferring From a Community College

Did you know that transfer students have a higher admissions rate to UC Berkeley than freshmen? Or that transferring can enable you to finish half of your bachelors for a fraction of the cost? Or that you can take your challenging lower division prerequisites in classes of 50 students instead of 500?

In this class we will discuss an alternative, nontraditional educational route: completing the first two years of your bachelors at a community college before transferring to a four-year university. We will discuss the social, financial, and educational benefits and drawbacks of this approach based on our own experiences as students who transferred to UC Berkeley.

Please come with any and all questions you may have about community college, Berkeley, admissions applications, undergraduate research, and more!


X914: Learn How to Produce Music! Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Henry Lin

In this 3 hour course, you will learn how to produce some of your favorite genres of music. This could be hiphop, trap, reggae, dubstep, electronic dance etc. I will also teach basic fundamentals of music theory. If you are interested in this course, please bring your laptop with the software (FL studio trial version downloaded from image-line.com), computer mouse and headphones (preferably wired).

X929: Let's Be Well! Stress Management, Introduction to Mindfulness, and Coping Skills
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Maya Luong

This course will give a broad overview to students on how to manage stress, mindfulness, and applicable coping skills. We will talk about grounding exercises, the basics of the stress response system, the physiology of meditation and mindfulness, identifying anxiety, the role of nature, nutrition, and sleep in mental wellbeing, and more! No prerequisites are needed. All are welcome!

X934: Street Smart > Book Smart
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Shams Amin

There’s many factors that come into play when succeeding in the “real world”. Sometimes when we’re stuck in academic spaces we are almost in a vacuum that prevents understand the impact we can make without knowing how to solve a differential equation or how to read code in six different programming languages. In this course we will learn how to accelerate our the right skills to achieving success in life.