Splash Biography


Major: Astrophysics

College/Employer: UC Berkeley

Year of Graduation: G

Picture of Natasha Abrams

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S1341: Black Holes: Discovering the Invisible in Splash Fall 2024 (Nov. 16, 2024)
Black holes are some of the most extreme objects in the universe. They push the boundaries of our knowledge and hold many unsolved mysteries. Come learn about black holes from "small" to enormous, how we detect them, and explore the frontiers of astrophysics!

S1111: Black Holes: Discovering the Invisible in Splash Fall 2023 (Nov. 18, 2023)
Black holes are some of the most extreme objects in the universe. They push the boundaries of our knowledge and hold many unsolved mysteries. Come learn about black holes from "small" to enormous, how we detect them, and explore the frontiers of astrophysics!

S897: Black Holes: The Most Fascinating Zoo in the Universe in Splash Spring 2022 (Apr. 16 - Oct. 29, 2022)
Black holes are some of the most extreme objects in the universe. They push the boundaries of our knowledge and hold many unsolved mysteries. Come learn about black holes from "small" to enormous, how we detect them, and explore the frontiers of astrophysics!