Splash Biography

DRUV PUNJABI, Aspiring astronaut and physicist

Major: Physics, Mathematics

College/Employer: UC Berkeley

Year of Graduation: 2022

Picture of Druv Punjabi

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Hi! I’m a senior majoring in physics and math at UC Berkeley. I’m super excited about cosmology and general relativity (Einstein’s theory of gravity), which is where my research experience lies. I love thinking about fundamental questions like what happens at the center of a black hole, or whether all our current equations in physics can be combined into a single Theory of Everything! I’m also really excited about our future in space and have always wanted to be an astronaut.

When I'm not getting confused by my physics homework or research, I love to play the guitar and drums, read sci-fi novels, play chess, and make music videos. Looking forward to meeting and learning with you!

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S919: So Long, and Thanks for All the Spacetime in Splash Spring 2022 (Apr. 16 - Oct. 29, 2022)
In this session we will take a whirlwind journey through analyzing the structure of our universe through the lens of relativity. The theory of relativity, in its special and general forms, remains a remarkable milestone in human scientific achievement. Demanding a revolutionary, and often unintuitive, way to think about space, time, and our universe, relativity manifests as an extremely elegant geometric theory which can be linked to a variety of physical phenomena, including muon decay, gravitational lensing, black holes, and cosmology, the last of which we will explore extensively. Beginning with electromagnetism and the origins of special relativity, this class will then proceed to give both a qualitative and quantitative treatment of the theory of general relativity and all of its glorious implications, triumphs, and remaining mysteries -- from the beginning of our universe to its (theorized) lonely end.