Splash Fall 2021
Course Catalog

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Engineering Humanities
Math & Computer Science Social Sciences
Science Miscellaneous


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E770: Intro to Civil Engineering Full!

Interested in Civil Engineering? Chi Epsilon, the Civil Engineering Honors Society at UC Berkeley, is here to teach you what Civil Engineering is, and play some games to learn Civil Engineering concepts!

E776: Intro to Bioengineering Full!
Difficulty: **

What do you think of when you hear the word "bioengineering"? CRISPR? Prosthetics? MRI? Nothing at all? Bioengineering encompasses a wide range of disciplines and has led to the development of crucial technologies, such as the ones mentioned above and many more. Come learn about this exciting field and the research happening on UC Berkeley campus. We're excited to have you!

E777: Introduction to Manufacturing with an emphasis on 3D printing technology
Difficulty: **
Teachers: X Sun

This course will serve as an introductio the to the most common manufacturing techniques for products we see in everyday life. We will have an emphasis on additive manufacturing or 3D printing. Do you know you can use light to print an object? Come to learn about it!

E783: Engineering Disasters (And What We Learn From Them) Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Yi Zhu

Failures and oversights in engineering have resulted in horrendous tragedies. In this class, we will present an overview of notable engineering failures and analyze what they can teach us about engineering and the engineering process.

E813: Introduction to Chemical Engineering

What is Chemical Engineering? Chemical Engineering is responsible for the production of almost anything you can think of, from jet fuel to textiles to "impossible" meats! In this course we will cover:

- What goes into Chemical Engineering?

- Career paths for Chemical Engineers

- Introductory principles of process design

- An example of applying these principles to a real life process!

Current enrollment in Algebra, Chemistry (non AP) is useful but not necessary

E830: Introduction to Rocketry!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Aarabhi Achanta

UC Berkeley's premier rocketry team, Space Technologies and Rocketry, is proud to present an Introduction to Rocketry course this fall! This 50 minute session will consist of an overview of the world of rockets, from solid motors to liquid engines, parachutes, payloads, airframes, industrial rockets, and more!

No prior experience is required, just a good attitude!

E845: Introduction to Windows Programming - A Practical Hands on with C# and XAML Full!
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Mary Lai, Thomas Zhang

We're going to create a native Windows (WPF) application in just 50 minutes!

We start by exploring the foundational basics and building blocks of XAML controls (StackPanel, Grid, TextBlock, Button). Then we will write a little bit of C# code.

After going through the basics, we will create a full fledged Windows application that you can run and expand on in the future.

Do some of these terms sound scary? Don't worry! We will start from the beginning and guide you ever step of the way. If we do our job correctly, you should have an unquenchable excitement of learning something so few high schools are exposed to.

This is a hands on course, so Visual Studio must be installed BEFORE we start. Please watch this video beforehand: https://youtu.be/uinIo-Sarbc You will also need either a Windows machine, or a Macbook running Windows through Bootcamp or Parallels. Some basic programming knowledge is ideal, but I will start from the beginning


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H787: Sparta: The Humble City Empire
Difficulty: *

We aim to walk you through the origins, mythology, and history of the famous city of Sparta, home of the legendary King Leonidas and the 300 who went and made a last stand at Thermopylae (which inspired the movie 300). We hope you'll not only enjoy the history and unique culture of the spartans, but will be even more impressed by their legacy and the impact they still have on the modern world when it comes to the image of the helmed spartan warrior.

H793: Small Press Publishing - Berkeley Fiction Review

The Berkeley Fiction Review is a UC Berkeley undergraduate, student-run publication and the oldest prose journal on campus.We publish a collection of short stories each spring. If you're interested in short fiction or the publishing industry, this is the class for you!

H836: Fantasy Worldbuilding: Integrating Social Science into Inventive Fiction
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Nicholas Nguyen

This course breaks down common approaches to fantasy worldbuilding—a fascinating pillar of fictional storywriting—and guides you through inventing unique cultures and history to transform nebulous ideas into a concrete world for your story.

By drawing from our own human history, we can turn the ordinarily glossed-over subject into a powerful tool for immersive storytelling.

This course is especially recommended for prospective novel writers or tabletop gamemasters looking to design their own worlds, but is open to anyone interested in learning more about worldbuilding.

H849: Creative Writing and Mindfulness
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Marie Trinh

The goal of this class is to build creativity in writing through bonding with one another. Want to know how to build a compelling character within a captivating story? What does it mean to create visual imagery and tone in writing? How do we center in our own mindfulness to foster our writing and analytical creativity? Still wondering? We will together answer these questions through a series of fun writing activities and discussions.

Math & Computer Science

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M772: How does a phone really work?
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Avinash Nandakumar

Ever wondered what magic goes on inside of a computer or smartphone that makes it work? This course will introduce you to the basics of computer architecture, computer science, and electrical engineering. This brief overview of a how a computer goes from binary to code to applications will show you the entire hardware/software stack of the EECS department.

M773: Learn How to Solve a Rubik's Cube
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Kathryn Chang

Have you ever wanted to learn how to solve a Rubik's cube? Well now is your opportunity to learn how! Through the use of problem solving skills and algorithms, you're just a few rotations away from solving your first Rubik's cube!

Must provide your own Rubik's cube (please bring it to class)!

M814: Introduction to Databases - A Practical Hands On With SQL Full!
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Mary Lai, Thomas Zhang

As we become a more data driven society, databases are increasing becoming the backbone of all modern technology.

We'll first explore the concept of data and databases and how they are used practically all around the world, then we'll contrast SQL to other imperative programming languages, and finally we'll have some hands on time to learn the syntax and write our own SQL queries.

At the end of the course, you should take home an understanding of the purpose of databases, key database terms, basic syntax on how to query databases, and if we do our jobs correctly, an unquenchable excitement of learning something that so few high school students are exposed to!

Some basic programming knowledge is ideal to draw comparisons, but is not necessary

M816: The Essence of Programming Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Shadaj Laddad

Math and programming have always been tightly intertwined, but have you ever wondered what makes them different? In this class, we'll peel off the layers of modern programming systems and explore the key concepts that make computer science special. We'll dive into the lambda calculus, the ultimate minimal programming language, and see how we can build our favorite language features with a tiny core.

significant experience programming in some language

M827: The Stable Matching Problem
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Jordan Hines

There are $$n$$ internships and $$n$$ possible interns. Each intern has a ranking of their preferred internships, and each internship has a ranking of their preferred interns, and our goal is to pair each intern with an internship.
Can all of the interns and internships be satisfied? It might be easy to see that not everyone can get their top choice in general, but what's the best we can do?

In this class, we'll discuss what it means for such a matching to be stable and discover an optimal algorithm for this problem, which is actually used to match medical students to residency programs!


M837: Exploring Data Science Full!
Difficulty: **

Data science, a combination of statistics and computer science, is a rapidly expanding field and applicable to almost any subject. Learn how you can use numbers to figure out facts about the world, make predictions, and visualize trends. We aim to make this course accessible to all skill levels, regardless of past experience.

Based on UC Berkeley's fastest growing introductory class with over 1400 students and taught by current course staff.

M841: How to Create Interactive Visualizations in Python
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Vaidehi Bulusu

Learn how to create visualizations that users can interact with in Python! We will go over the basics of Python for data analysis and visualization, then dive into how to create interactive visualizations.

M842: Let's Make a Video Game World Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Anthony Lara

Have you ever wondered how video games are able to construct fantastical places or replicate real world places? In this course I would like you to help me make a video game world by creating artwork to add to a premade game. In doing so we can create a new world to explore and interact with.

This course will use the module Pygame from Python3 to create a simple 2D game world.

Social Sciences

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O784: Archaeological Myths and Misrepresentations in Video Games and Films
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Will Gerardo

Archaeology? What is it? This class will introduce you to the archaeological inaccuracies and falsified depictions in popular video games and films. Along with some background context and innovative discussion, we will tackle how archaeological stereotypes are perceived! We will talk about games such as Tomb Raider, Pokémon, Animal Crossing, and more! Also, films like Indiana Jones and Night at the Museum will be explored.

O791: A Critical Understanding of Public Health

This interactive and discussion-based course aims to introduce students to public health and how it impacts everyday lives. We’ll explore the different areas of public health and look at how medicine, the environment, and social-structural forces play a role in health. Learn how you can make a difference in public health!

O801: Politics in Today's World & Avatar the Last Airbender
Difficulty: *

The course will examine the political elements portrayed in Avatar the Last Airbender. While the ATLA universe is a fictional world, the show depicts important themes that we see our modern society. This class will discuss and cover themes such as: imperialism, policing, and classism.
We will examine political events from the cartoon and compare them to historical events from around the globe. Students will engage and think critically about events in the cartoon with the goal to provide perspective and better understand of how these events occur in the real world.

*SPOILER ALERT* Content and storyline from the Avatar the Last Airbender will be revealed.

O805: The Politics of Intersectionality: Queer Islam
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Zainab Antepli

This course will study the politics of intersectionality with a focus on queerness and Islam through the reading and analyses of academic and Islamic texts. Topics for study and examination will include but are not limited to identity politics, gender and queer theory in relation to Islam, Islamic law in relation to gender and sexuality, and the ways in which intersectionality affects the political landscape. By the end of this course, students are expected to have a better understanding of academia within Islam, intersectionality, gender and queer analyses, and progressivism in queer and Muslim political movements. Students are also expected to be able to analyze political action through the lens of identity politics and intersectionality.

O832: History & Theories of Migration and "Assimilation"
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Nadia Almasalkhi

Sociologists often ask 2 questions about migration: "Why do people migrate?" and "How do immigrants assimilate/integrate in the host society?" This will be a crash course on the many sociological explanations to these questions, as well as the historical changes in US immigration that have influenced changing perspectives over time.

O843: Intro to Anthropology
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Rosie Fei, Will Gerardo

Want to research human evolution, find artifacts, trace the DNA in human bones, or perform cross-cultural analyses? These are all things anthropologists do! Anthropology is the interdisciplinary study of humans across dozens of different fields. In this course, we will discuss anthropology and its three major subfields: socio-cultural, archaeology, and biological anthropology. We will also look at what anthropologists do and what jobs they have after graduation. Finally, we will learn about how cultural groups have been affected by anthropology and how modern anthropologists are revolutionizing the field.

O844: Anthropology of Halloween
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Rosie Fei

It’s Spooky Szn! Before you celebrate Halloween this weekend (safely, of course), come learn about the history and practice of Halloween from around the world! We’ll be looking at the origins of Halloween, how it’s become a popular holiday in the United States, and what Halloween means in different cultures and contexts.


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S771: Genetics + Ethics
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Fiona Oh

Curious about and interested in discussing the social and ethical implications of new genetic technologies?

Consider Genetics + Ethics! This class explores this question in relation to some of the many topics within the intersection of genetics and bioethics, such as eugenics, consumer privacy, crime and law enforcement, medicine, agriculture, and many more. Students will have a chance to learn about some new genetic technologies and to consider how these technologies might impact their own lives. No prior knowledge of genetics or biology necessary!

S775: Kidneys and Chronic Kidney Disease

You know what kidney beans are, but do you know what your kidneys do? Kidneys are one of the most important organs in your body. This course will go over kidney function and how it is relevant to chronic kidney disease or kidney failure. This class functions as both an introduction to physiology course and awareness presentation noting the importance of screening for CKD.

S778: Veganism: a nutritional approach
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Matthew Kim

Are you considering to become a vegan/vegetarian? Do you want to know what it takes to be one and what are the benefits?
We will explore very basic nutritional/physiological aspects of vegan/vegetarian life style. Topics will include macro nutrients, micro nutrients, diet strategy, health benefits and concerns.
This course will NOT include topics related to ethical, moral, industrial and political aspects of vegan/vegetarian life style.

High school biology and chemistry strongly recommended, not required.

S779: Bioinspired Design
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Tatum Dwyer

Bioinspired design views the process of how we learn from Nature as an innovation strategy translating principles of function, performance and aesthetics from biology to human technology. The creative design process is driven by interdisciplinary exchange among engineering, biology, medicine, art, architecture and business. We will learn about the biomimicry design process from original scientific breakthroughs to entrepreneurial start-ups using case studies that include gecko-inspired adhesives, robots that run, fly and swim, artificial muscles, computer animation, medical devices and prosthetics while highlighting health, the environment, and safety.

S785: THE SKELETON: Bioarchaeology & Forensics & Osteology
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Will Gerardo

Yeah, the skeleton....pretty cool. Ever wondered about just how weird and interesting your bones are? This class will introduce you to the bones in your body and how careers in science-related fields study them. Using research studies, archaeological context, and popular TV shows like Bones, we will discuss how different fields approach them.

**Forewarning: Images of skeletal remains will be shown. NO graphic content will be shown.

Difficulty: **
Teachers: Julia McCullough

Ever wondered what happens to the brain on drugs? Today we will be discussing the brain on opioids, lsd, methamphetamine, cocaine, marijuana, alcohol, caffeine, and other drugs. The history of the drug, and short and long term effects will also be discussed!

S792: Introduction to Orthopedic Sciences Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Natalie Sun

This is an introduction to the field of orthopedic medicine and sciences, with a broad overview of topics such as biomechanics, bone physiology, neuroscience and the skeletal system, and more. We also offer the chance to learn more about the orthopedic pre-medical track from the perspective of current undergraduates at Berkeley.

S794: Stem Cells: Science and Society
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Grace Naylor

Many believe that the cures to most diseases lie in stem cell science and research, yet others fear repercussions that could forever alter our social conscience and morality. This class takes students on a journey inside the stem cell revolution, where scientists, researchers, policy-makers, and ethicists will challenge students to consider the societal, political, even spiritual implications of this rapidly developing frontier.

The Stem Cell Decal aims to creatively provide students with a basic understanding of stem cells and stem cell research. We cover four modules: Science and Biology, Engineering and Technology, Ethics and Controversy, and Policy and Advocacy.

After taking this course, students will have a basic understanding of stem cell science, its potential and applications, the controversy behind it, and its role in society. We hope students will possess enough knowledge to understand and participate in stem cell activities on campus and beyond, while also formulating their own position on the political stances surrounding stem cell research.

S796: Berkeley Scientific Journal: History & Practice of Science Journalism
Difficulty: *

As UC Berkeley's premier undergraduate science journal, we want to talk all about what scientific journalism is: its history, what it means today, and careers in scientific journalism.

S802: Save the Bees: Pollinator Conservation
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Grace Houser

Every year, bees die at an unprecedented rate. Even though they are responsible for pollinating 2/3 of the world's crops, people don't know a lot about pollinators or how they can take action to help them. We hope you walk with the skills to save the bees in your own local communities!

S809: Astroworld
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Ishan Gurnani

Students will be exploring space travel and settlements. The lesson covers the process of reaching a planet and sustaining life on it then goes into interstellar exploration.

S811: Introduction to Skincare
Difficulty: *

This course is designed to introduce you to a more critical, scientific approach when analyzing skincare. We will be going over skin anatomy, dermatology, and how to build a skincare routine.

S815: What's the Buzz on Biotech? Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Justin Oh

The biotechnology industry is an emerging field that is creating tomorrow’s biggest breakthrough in medicine and pharmaceuticals. Contrary to popular belief, the biotechnology industry needs more than just researchers in the biomedical sciences; it also needs business leaders, policymakers, entrepreneurs, and so many more. In this course, we will collectively explore the biotechnology industry by talking about its people and their impact on our world, the development and regulation processes of Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J’s COVID-19 vaccines, and the reasons why biotechnology is our next biggest thing.

S817: The Search for Habitable Exoplanets
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Steven Giacalone

Just a few decades ago, the idea of there being planets around stars outside of our Solar System was the stuff of science fiction. But no more. In the last two decades, astrophysicist have discovered thousands of these extrasolar planets (or exoplanets, for short). A large part of this effort has been devoted to determining how many habitable planets - planets that humans, or some other form of life, can live on - exist in the Milky Way Galaxy. In this class, we'll talk about how astrophysicists find and characterize exoplanets. We'll begin by discussing the famous Drake equation, which can be used to estimate the number of active extraterrestrial civilizations in the Milky Way Galaxy, and how astrophysicists are working to solve it. We'll then discuss the science behind the different exoplanet detection techniques and how we use them to learn about what planets are made of. Last, we'll discuss how we gather information about exoplanet atmospheres and how that information is used to determine if a planet is habitable - or is already inhabited.

Knowledge of introductory-level physics and astronomy would be helpful (i.e., Doppler effect; electromagnetic spectrum; Kepler's laws; difference between planets, stars, and galaxies).

S828: Microbes and Humanity: From Bread to CRISPR
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Sonali Pfile

Life on this planet began with single-celled organisms. How did they shape the world as we know it? This course will explore microbial contributions to the past, present, and future of humanity. We will discuss the origins of microbiology, and explore the ways that microbes have influenced the atmosphere, food, agriculture, and most recently, gene editing.

S829: Bioprinting: The Future of Medicine
Difficulty: **

On-demand organ transplants, expedited drug development, and skin grafts for burn victims are just the surface of what you can achieve with the developing field of bioprinting. Bioprinting is the combination of 3D printing technology with materials that incorporate living cells, and quite honestly the coolest combo you may or may not never heard of. Join us to learn what it takes to bio-print a viable organ, and how you can leave your mark on the next biggest thing in medicine!

S833: Chemistry of colors Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Ariel Wang

Ever wondered about how colors are created? Join us and learn about the chemistry behind colors! Students will learn about electron excitations, absorption/emission spectra, and conjugation.


S834: Introduction to Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
Difficulty: **

How does entropy relate to cleaning your room? How many slaps does it take to cook a chicken? In this course, we provide an introduction to the central concepts and historical roots of thermal and statistical physics. Starting with a phenomenological discussion of the laws of thermodynamics, and building towards a mesoscopic derivation of these laws from the perspective of modern statistical mechanics, we hope to demonstrate why thermal and statistical physics are such fascinating and challenging scientific fields of study.

S835: Intro to Neurotechnology Full!
Difficulty: **

This course will give a broad overview of the ways we can interface with the brain using technology. It will provide a definition of neurotechnology and focus on core techniques of doing things to and with the brain.

Recommended: Biology, Chemistry

S838: Alge-cada-bra: The Algebraist's Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Orion Ning, Ryan Tamura

Often introduced for purely mundane equation-solving purposes, most people are familiar with some sense of 'algebra.' However, algebra -- in its many forms -- is an incredibly diverse topic whose influence and impact is often underappreciated. In this session, we want to show that analyzing this more abstracted idea of 'algebra' leads to some of the most useful and insightful mathematical and physical objects we have today.

This whirlwind tour will guide learners through the foundations of modern algebra, the rigorous study of group theory, algebraic geometry, and representation theory, as well as the essential use of these ideas in physics, namely quantum mechanics and theoretical particle physics.

Basic understanding of high school algebra is essential. Calculus and any amount of physics background would also be helpful, but the most important prerequisite is curiosity!

S840: The Cosmic Microwave Background - Exploring the Afterglow of the Big Bang
Difficulty: **
Teachers: James Sullivan

What is the universe made out of? How did its earliest moments unfold? The best answers we have to these questions are provided by an all-sky afterimage of the early universe - the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). In this class, we'll dip a toe into the deep pool of knowledge provided by the CMB. First, we'll introduce the CMB signal and how we observe it. Then we'll begin to unpack how fundamental physics drive the signal in the early universe. Finally, we'll connect back to modern observations cosmologists are involved with today.

Introductory physics (mass-spring systems, electromagnetic spectrum) and calculus (knowing what a differential equation / derivative is) knowledge is helpful, but not required.

S846: 5 Absurd Ways to Bake a Cake with Science 🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂
Difficulty: *

Want to learn to bake at home? Too bad. In this class two physicists will push human scientific knowledge to its limits in the quest for sweets.

Could you bake a cake with a proton beam, make brownies in the corona of the Sun, or fry donuts in an undersea vent? We'll answer these questions and more, giving absurd recipes for familiar treats.

Also, have any weird questions of your own you're curious about? At the end of the talk, we'll open the floor to audience questions, working out answers on the fly.

Awareness of cake as a concept.

S848: Transcending Spacetime
Difficulty: **

Imagine that there was just one theory – one equation – from which you could derive the whole of Physics, breaking free from the enormous jumble of formulae that you struggle with in high school and college. Thrilling, isn’t it? Well, there is hope.

Perhaps the most deep-rooted common-sense notion about our world being three dimensional, with time as the fourth dimension, is now succumbing to a growing acknowledgment among eminent physicists (String Theorists, for example) that the universe may actually exist in as high as ten-dimensional space -- a perspective that would possibly pave the way to a profound revolution in our understanding of the universe. Although we are very far from experimentally verifying this theory, it carries the charismatic power to mathematically unify all the known physical forces in an astonishingly simple framework: the "Theory of Everything" that had eluded Einstein for several decades of his life.

In this session, I will broadly explore some of the “magic” that could be witnessed in a world beyond our space and time. Ever wondered how a 4D creature would look like, if we ever encountered one? A lot of stuff could sound like science-fiction, but we cannot deny that we can find numerous examples of Sci-Fi from the past that have turned into reality today.

Most important are curiosity and imagination. Interest in Physics or Astronomy with elementary knowledge about forces and energy could be helpful.

S851: Symmetries and Parallel Universes
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Kohtaro Yamakawa

Symmetry is a property that we all see in our everyday lives. In physics, however, symmetry is a tool to understand everything in our Universe. In this course, we'll explore the notion of Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking (SSB), where a system spontaneously transforms from being symmetric to being asymmetric. Widely used in particle physics and condensed matter physics, SSB can help us understand how simple outcomes in our world, like a falling pencil, might give rise to parallel universes.


S852: Nutrition and well-being
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Michelle Lee

This class will teach students about basic nutrition that can help with their nutrition goals and needs. This course aims to provide students with basic nutrition education and the role that food choices play in leading a healthy lifestyle.


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X780: The Art of Living in a World with Drugs
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Erin Sibel Sezgin

In this course we will explore-- biologically and socially-- the impact of substance abuse and its place in our lives. What is addiction? Has the perception of addiction changed over time? Is there a necessary connection between self and substances? Is addiction a choice or is it premeditated? Does it depend on genetics? Can and should being sober be a goal of living? How can we create the same relationship-- like the feeling of meaning, freedom, pleasure, goodness and satisfaction without substances? Can addiction be cured?

X781: Intro to Notion
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Sarah Chang

Struggling to find the perfect digital planner? Look no further because Notion will be your saving grace. In this class, we will walk through the basic functions of Notion to help you transform your digital workspace into a powerful organizational tool. The class will also emphasize the importance of aesthetics because the combination of functionality and beauty prompt productivity and motivation.

X790: Self love/kindness
Difficulty: *
Teachers: alex naiman

This fun and loving class is for anyone!! This class will be a safe space for everyone; we will learn some ways to increase our love for ourselves and in turn, for others. Hopefully, by the end, you'll have learned something new that benefits you, others, or both! Come join us for an hour of compassion for ourselves because we deserve it! Take this break from our hectic lives to just breathe, learn, and maybe make a new friend.

X797: Remnote & the Art of Learning, or how not to take notes in class but still know everything Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Kelly Wong

Picture this: You walk into lecture, sit down, and just start listening. No more scrounging for colored pens, furiously scribbling key points, or—come test-taking season—getting overwhelmed by the amount of notes you have to take. And you still ace every single test. Most likely, you’ll do better. (Seriously.)

Remnote is a new study system that’s like if Quizlet, Notion, and Google Docs had a baby. It’s built for a study technique that relies on active recall and spaced repetition to test if you REALLY know something. I’ll give you tips on how to learn more efficiently, design notes that challenge you, and really couple the power of your brain with the flexibility of your computer.

This class will be of interest to anyone who:
- likes Wikipedia
- struggles to figure out a study strategy come test week
- loves taking detailed and gorgeous notes
- are torn between spending hours doing that or typing it up more efficiently
- encounters subjects that require you to learn about and/or memorize many specific connections, like biology (!!!!), chemistry, history, English, or the social sciences
- is ready for something new!

X798: Comprehending the California Community College System
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Kelly Wong

Did you know that you can get 2 years of a quality college education for FREE? Are you considering CC before entering a 4-year, but you have no idea where to start? (And maybe, do you feel the stigma associated with going?)

The system can be tough to navigate: how do you handle prerequisites? How important is getting an AA? How do you transfer successfully in 2 years? How do you get guaranteed UC admission? How do you keep yourself competitive with summer research and internships? And, most importantly, does it set you back in your academic career?

I transferred to UC Berkeley as a neurobiology major after 2 years at a CC. I’m a huge advocate for those who might want to do the same, and I want to help you try and figure out whether it’s right for you. I have personal experience in the CC to UC pipeline for students considering STEM, but there’s plenty of advice for those considering the arts or who would like to matriculate to CSU or privates.

In this workshop, I’ll be presenting on the various ins and outs of the system. I’ll tell you all the tricks I learned to get the absolute most out of your education, so you won’t miss a beat coming to a 4-year. Afterwards, I’ll help you start to fill out prerequisite forms with your APs and give you an idea of what college course loads to expect. This part of the workshop will be most useful to seniors, but the workshop is open to all who would like to figure out what lies ahead.

SENIORS: If you want to fill out forms step-by-step with me, have a reference sheet with your high school courses and AP scores.

X800: Introduction to Startups and Silicon Valley
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Amrita Bhasin

Are you interested in what a startup is and how you can gain exposure to the startup world? Do you want to know what skills and abilities are necessary to start a startup? This course will teach you how you can learn about the startup world and entrepreneurship at a young age and teach you how anyone can build a startup with the right mindset, regardless of background and experience.

interest in startups and Silicon Valley

X812: Intro to Bullet Journalling Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Jordan Schwartz

Are you looking for a way to improve your time management while being creative? Bullet journalling might just be your solution! From minimalistic to aesthetic, paper to digital, using the bullet journal method can help you live a more intentional life.

Using a combination of different logging techniques, the bullet journal method helps you re-organize your life. This class will cover how to start a new journal, the different styles people use, and the different types of pages, trackers, and methods for bullet journaling. You do NOT need any artistic experience for this class.