Splash Biography

WILLIAM CHEUNG, UC Berkeley Junior Studying Computer Science

Major: Computer Science

College/Employer: UC Berkeley

Year of Graduation: 2017

Picture of William Cheung

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Lab Assisted for Computer Science 10: The Beauty and Joy of Computing.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S90: Intro to Creating Smart Circuits and Electronics in Splash Fall 15 (Oct. 10, 2015)
Ever wonder how to easily create an interactive electronic circuit or device? With the Arduino and a bit of programming now you can. The Arduino is a small board that allows you to read data from electronic inputs like buttons and sensors and turn other electronic devices on and off ranging from LEDs, 7-segment displays, and buzzers. You can tell the Arduino what to do by programming it with an easy-to-learn programming language called C. We will demonstrate how to hook things up, teach you how to program using the Arduino, and you will have a chance to write your own program and test it out on the system we will have set up. Learn how to make smart electronics and perhaps prototype a piece of the future!