Splash Biography

SEAN ZHU, UC Berkeley senior, Computer Science major.

Major: Computer Science

College/Employer: UC Berkeley

Year of Graduation: 2016

Picture of Sean Zhu

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

M104: Computers & Internet for Laypeople in Splash Fall 15 (Oct. 10, 2015)
Hey there! Have you seen a computer before? Perhaps you've even used one to connect to the Internet? Of course you have! These days, computers are everywhere! You may have heard terms like "RAM" and "OS" and "boot" before. When you use a web browser, you may have seen words like "http" or "server". What do these all mean? You may have tried to look these up using a dictionary, on Wikipedia, or perhaps by asking your parents. Sometimes these kinds of resources don't end up helping with your confusion. That's what this class is for! We will explain how computers work and go over weird terms in a way everyone can understand! This class will be a discussion -- feel free to stop us anytime to ask questions along the way. Also a final note: Please don't feel discouraged to attend this class because you think computers are hard. The point of this class is to you show you that it's not as hard as it looks!

M18: Computers & Internet for Laypeople in Splash Spring 15 (Jan. 31, 2015)
Hey there! Have you seen a computer before? Perhaps you've even used one to connect to the Internet? Of course, you have, computers are all around us these days! You may have heard terms like "RAM" and "OS" and "boot" before. When you use a web browser, you may have seen words like "http" or "server". What do these all mean? You may have tried to look these up using a dictionary, on Wikipedia, or perhaps by asking your parents. Sometimes these kinds of resources don't end up helping with your confusion. That's what this class is for! We will explain how computers work and go over weird terms in a way everyone can understand! This class will be a discussion -- feel free to stop me anytime to ask questions along the way. Also a final note: Please don't feel discouraged to attend this class because you think computers are hard. The point of this class is to you show you that it's not as hard as it looks!