FALL 2024

Splash Biography

KYLE WONG, UC Berkeley senior studying Civil Engineering

Major: Civil Engineering

College/Employer: UC Berkeley

Year of Graduation: 2025

Picture of Kyle Wong

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Kyle Wong is a senior Civil Engineering major at UC Berkeley with a focus on concrete mechanics and numerical methods. Kyle plans to pursue graduate school for a PhD in Structural Engineering, Mechanics, and Materials to continue his research and eventually become a university-level professor.

Through Kyle's time at UC Berkeley, he has served as the Project Manager of the school's GeoWall at Berkeley competition team, as well as the Hull Design and Structural Analysis lead of the school's Cal Concrete Canoe team. Kyle has also been an active guest lecturer, primarily providing workshops and midterm review sessions for undergraduate students in the Civil Engineering department, but also speaking at other schools such as Laney College.

Kyle is an active undergraduate researcher at UC Berkeley, working under Professor Shaofan Li on developing fungal-based self-healing concrete as well as recyclable and sustainable cement.

Past Classes

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