Splash Biography

MICHELLE JING DONG, Senior Studying Physics & Math

Major: Physics, Pure Math

College/Employer: UC Berkeley

Year of Graduation: 2025

Picture of Michelle Jing Dong

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Hi, I am Michelle. I am a 4th-year undergrad majoring in Physics and Pure Math and I am researching in Mathematical Physics and High Energy Physics Theory. Specifically, I am researching in (topological) Quantum Field Theory and String Theory, Mirror Symmetry, and BPS q-Series.

I am currently the President of Society of Physics Students (SPS) at Berkeley, and the Undergrad Head Coordinator of Society of Women in Physical Sciences (SWPS).

Meanwhile, I am currently teaching a DeCal called "Quantum Field Theory (QFT) for Math Students." I have also been teaching and the DeCal "Beginner's Guide to the Universe" for three semesters.

In the past, I have taught DeCal "Topology and Geometry for Physics Students," DeCal "Differential Geometry and Lie Groups for Physics Students," and I had taught seminars related to quantum mechanics, quantum field theory, and string theory in Wave Learning Festival.

At the same time, I am currently a grader for Special and General Relativity and Quantum Field Theory in Physics department and for Riemannian Geometry in Math department.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

M1338: What Is Topology? in Splash Fall 2024 (Nov. 16, 2024)
How do we describe a donut, a pair of pants, a Möbius strip, or a Klein bottle, and how can we tell if they are the same or different from each other? What if we connect two or many donuts together? If we draw some circles on the donut, can they deform into each other or not? How can we describe both the things around us and the entire universe using the language of topology?

S1339: From Particles to Strings in Splash Fall 2024 (Nov. 16, 2024)
We describe the story of a particle with quantum mechanics, the story of many particles with quantum field theory, and the story of many strings with string theory. A particle’s path through time is a line, and a string’s path through time is a sheet. For interacting particles, how do we describe their interactions, and how do we describe interacting strings? We have different types of particles, like photons and electrons, so how are they different, and how do we describe them as different vibrations of strings?

S1345: Unveiling Theories and Experiments Developed by Women in Physical Sciences in Splash Fall 2024 (Nov. 16, 2024)
From the theory of continuous symmetry to the foundations of geometric analysis, from the development of the nuclear shell model to the experiments that proved the violation of parity conservation, women have always been there. There are more obstacles for us to remember them, but we want not only to remember them but also to understand specifically what they have discovered. In this course, we will focus on learning the mathematical and physical theories and experiments developed by women scientists. You will not only learn their names, but also explore the interesting and inspiring mathematical and physical concepts they have contributed.

S1276: Scientific Discoveries and the Women Who Made Them in Splash Spring 2024 (Apr. 21, 2024)
From the beginning of programming and computers to the unraveling of the structure of DNA, from the crucial theory in continuous symmetry to the revolutionary experiment proved the parity conservation violation, women have always been there. There are more obstacles for us to remember them but we want to not only remember them but also what they have been discovered specifically. In this course, we will dive deep into the theories, experiments, and concepts invented by the great women scientists.

S1277: Quantum Entanglement in Splash Spring 2024 (Apr. 21, 2024)
Schrödinger’s Cat, the Dice of God, Qubits, Maxwell’s Demon, and Wormholes, though mysterious in name, will be demystified as we delve into quantum entanglement and explore their connection to modern technology and scientific research. Along this journey, we will explore concepts in quantum mechanics and offer insights in how they interplay with quantum computing, quantum information, quantum gravity, and more.

S1166: STEMINST: The Great Women in Science! in Splash Fall 2023 (Nov. 18, 2023)
From the beginning of programming and computers to the unraveling of the structure of DNA, from the invention of the term "radioactivity" to the coining of the term "bioorthogonal chemistry," from the crucial theory in continuous symmetry to the revolutionary experiment proved the parity conservation violation, women have always been there. There are more obstacles for us to remember them but we want to not only remember them but also what they have been discovered specifically. In this course, we will dive deep into the theories, experiments, and concepts invented by the great women scientists.

S1173: Quantum Information & Quantum Field Theory! in Splash Fall 2023 (Nov. 18, 2023)
Unlock the secrets of Quantum Information and Quantum Field Theory! Prepare to be in a superposition of excitement and challenges as you entangle with mysteries and explore the groundbreaking implications in technology and life. Journey through the captivating principles of Quantum Field Theory, unveiling insights as fundamental as they are enchanting! No advanced math required – just bring your curiosity.