Splash Biography

MAX GENECOV, UC Berkeley graduate student in Astrophysics

Major: Astrophysics

College/Employer: UC Berkeley

Year of Graduation: G

Picture of Max Genecov

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I grew up in Dallas, Texas and spent my undergrad years at Brown University studying Physics and Nonfiction Writing. As one might expect, I really enjoy combining the two subjects in science writing. I wrote several researched essays on conspiracy theories and fringe science for my English thesis and really enjoy conveying the wider philosophical implications of science to a wider audience. My writing influences include Alan Lightman, Oliver Sacks, Karen Barad, E.O. Wilson, and Jon Ronson.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S107: How Do You Write About the Universe? in Splash Fall 15 (Oct. 10, 2015)
This session will serve as an introduction to science writing. We will focus on how to integrate life and scientific principles and how to describe scientific processes to a wider audience. We will also look at the reading side of science writing and how to find fact and fiction within popular science and press releases.