Splash Biography


Major: MCB

College/Employer: UC Berkeley

Year of Graduation: 2018

Picture of Dhruv Puri

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

X242: When Things Get Real in Splash Fall 17 (Nov. 04, 2017)
Danger! Peril! Doom! It lurks around every corner. Earthquakes. Heart Attacks. Snakes. Car Accidents. You're in a plummeting elevator with seconds to act. What do you do? This class is here to help: jam-packed with step-by-step instructions and guides, we're here to show you what to do when life takes a sudden turn for the worse. An essential class for a perilous age because you never know...

X234: When Things Get Real in Splash Fall 2016 (Nov. 19, 2016)
Danger! Peril! Doom! It lurks around every corner. Earthquakes. Heart Attacks. Snakes. Car Accidents. You're in a plummeting elevator with seconds to act. What do you do? This class is here to help: jam-packed with step-by-step instructions and guides, we're here to show you what to do when life takes a sudden turn for the worse. An essential class for a perilous age because you never know...