Spring 2024

Splash Biography

CLARA MANGALI, UC Berkeley freshman studying Sociology

Major: Sociology and Ethnic Studies

College/Employer: UC Berkeley

Year of Graduation: 2026

Picture of Clara Mangali

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Clara is a current second-year at UC Berkeley studying Sociology and Ethnic Studies. They are super passionate about history, education, writing, and art. On campus, they can be seen working at the American Cultures Center, working on the editorial team for {m}aganda magazine, and organizing with the League of Filipino students. They love working with high schoolers and super excited to be involved with SPLASH!

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

X1071: College Admission Essays: Keeping it Real in Splash Spring 2023 (Apr. 23, 2023)
College Admission Essays: Keeping it Real is an in-depth class exploring how to write a successful and compelling college essay. Students will take a step-by-step journey through understanding each essay's requirements, how to brainstorm topics effectively, and how to develop a unique narrative voice. This class will focus primarily on the Personal Statement Essay and the UC Personal Insight Questions but will teach strategies that are applicable to all admission essays. The conversation surrounding college admission essays can tend to be stressful and competitive. This class will dispel unhelpful myths about the process and offer students a nonjudgemental, welcoming, and creative environment to get started on their writing process through interactive brainstorming exercises and discussion.