Splash Biography


Major: Computer Science

College/Employer: UC Berkeley

Year of Graduation: 2020

Picture of Chanan Walia

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

X546: Revamping Your Life With Technology in Splash Spring 19 (Mar. 16, 2019)
Come check out all the super rad ways you can make your life more efficient with technology! Our two student teachers currently co-faciitate a course about technology at UC Berkeley and want to share their favorite tech life hacks with high school students. They will introduce a variety of tools, apps, resources, and more that involve tech and can improve your day-to-day lives and increase productivity. (Fruit snacks may or may not be thrown at students).

X370: Revamping Your Life With Technology in Splash Fall 18 (Nov. 04, 2018)
Come check out all the super rad ways you can make your life more efficient with technology! Our two student teachers currently co-faciitate a course about technology at UC Berkeley and want to share their favorite tech life hacks with high school students. They will introduce a variety of tools, apps, resources, and more that involve tech and can improve your day-to-day lives and increase productivity. (Fruit snacks may or may not be thrown at students).

X291: Revamping Your Life With Technology in Splash Fall 17 (Nov. 04, 2017)
Come check out all the super rad ways you can make your life more efficient with technology! Our two student teachers currently co-faciitate a course about technology at UC Berkeley and want to share their favorite tech life hacks with high school students. They will introduce a variety of tools, apps, resources, and more that involve tech and can improve your day-to-day lives and increase productivity. (Fruit snacks may or may not be thrown at students).