Splash Biography
ALICIA AUDUONG, Biotech & Classics
Major: Bioengineering College/Employer: UC Berkeley Year of Graduation: 2019 |
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Brief Biographical Sketch:
I'm a bioengineer looking for a job. In the meanwhile, I'm teaching! Please consider competing in the BIOEHSC competition! Bioengineering High School Competition pairs high school teams with university mentors so you can create cool projects. https://bioehs.berkeley.edu/bioehsc/ Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)E485: The Engineering Design Process in Splash Spring 19 (Mar. 16, 2019)
We're going to go over the engineering design process and what goes into it starting from needs finding to when to stop iterating.
Then we're going to design something together as a class. The class is short so you will be asked to participate most of the time. Be prepared to throw out some really wild ideas.
H486: Greek Myths in Splash Spring 19 (Mar. 16, 2019)
This isn't Percy Jackson's backyard.
We're going to do a quick run through of the creation of the universe as the Greeks know it, then, we'll dive into some interesting stuff like the Hymn to Demeter and Sophocles plays. More likely than not we are going to get stuck in a lot of places in the creation myth and then in Hesiod's Works and Days.
By the end of the class, you'll have a solid idea of what happened in Greek Myths and a list of texts to look at if you feel so inclined. Consider it a break between your other classes at Splash!
H240: Greek Myths: Creation in Splash Fall 17 (Nov. 04, 2017)
Whether your introduction was Percy Jackson or Mark Griffith, your interest in Greek Myths has made you pause a second to read this description.
This course covers the Greek creation myths and the genealogy of the Pantheon.
This class with discuss topics that may be triggering. Feel free to reach out to the facilitator. We believe that only through an inclusive space can we have a well rounded discussion.
A241: Book Binding in Splash Fall 17 (Nov. 04, 2017)
This could be filed under engineering since it's mostly tension and material science, but it's also an art, so art it is since we aren't doing math on a Saturday morning.
Learn to quickly bind a book. It will be thin, but the skills you learn will help you stitch more complicated books. Full disclosure so that you can learn the skill here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ue52htX3j0k
H157: Greek Myths: A Crash Course in Splash Fall 2016 (Nov. 19, 2016)
Whether your introduction was Percy Jackson or Mark Griffith, your interest in Greek Myths has made you pause a second to read this description.
We will be hitting a few of the most popular myths (with a brief explanation as to how they became popular):
- Origin of the Pantheon (Hesiod)
- Hades and Persephone (Homeric Hymns)
- Daedalus and Icarus (Ovid)
- Oedipus Rex (Sophocles)
We will not discuss
This class with discuss topics that may be triggering. Feel free to reach out the facilitator. We believe that only through an inclusive space can we have a well rounded discussion.