Splash Biography

ADITYA BHARGAVA, Cal junior studying physics and computer science

Major: Physics, Computer Science

College/Employer: UC Berkeley

Year of Graduation: 2026

Picture of Aditya Bhargava

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Hi! I'm Adi, and I'm a junior from Mumbai, India exploring physics and computer science at UC Berkeley. In my spare time, I enjoy hiking, gaming (hmu for simracing chats), reading and playing table tennis.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

M1351: Machine Learning and Statistical Paradigms for the Physical Sciences in Splash Fall 2024 (Nov. 16, 2024)
Explore real-life applications of commonly used ML techniques and overarching data analysis paradigms in the physical sciences. This class is designed to introduce and build on the fundamentals of industry and publication-worthy data analysis, going from traditional ML and data analysis examples to applications in scientific research and industry. Ideal for those with an interest in computer science, statistics and physics, this class provides valuable insights into the evolving landscape of STEM disciplines.