Splash Biography

AJAY KRISHNAN, UC Berkeley freshman studying Psych/IB, premed

Major: Psychology & Integrative Biology

College/Employer: UC Berkeley

Year of Graduation: 2027

Picture of Ajay Krishnan

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S1308: Psychiatric Disorders in Splash Fall 2024 (Nov. 16, 2024)
Mental illness is a relevant topic, with almost a quarter of Americans suffering from a mental disorder. This course will act as a survey course of the biology and causes of various psychiatric disorders, as well as tips for dealing with a mental health crisis from a licensed crisis counselor. This is an open class for anyone with the interest. Note: If you took this course with Ajay Krishnan in Splash 2023 Fall or Splash 2024 Spring, it is advised to take a different course as much of the content overlaps with Fall 2023. Trigger warning: upsetting materials related to mental illness may be discussed, student discretion is advised

A1309: Ballroom Dance 101 in Splash Fall 2024 (Nov. 16, 2024)
Want to learn some cool dance moves for your next party? Join a studio session with an officer from Berkeley's collegiate ballroom dance team. Dances taught will be dependent on space + student interest

X1320: Self Defense in Splash Fall 2024 (Nov. 16, 2024)
Self Defense is a useful skill for everyone. In this class, we will be learning some basic self defense moves and getting some exercise.

S1321: Zoology & Medicine in Splash Fall 2024 (Nov. 16, 2024)
Much of research in fields like zoology, integrative biology, and animal science focuses on conservation (humans helping animals), with not as much working the other way (how animals help humans). This survey course helps to examine how animals are currently influencing research in human medicine and the importance of studying the natural world. From using venom as a morphine substitute to uncovering insomnia, the animal kingdom has pharmacological wonders for us to unpack.

S1217: Psychiatric Disorders in Splash Spring 2024 (Apr. 21, 2024)
Mental illness is a relevant topic, with almost a quarter of Americans suffering from a mental disorder. This course will act as a survey course of the biology and causes of various psychiatric disorders, as well as tips for dealing with a mental health crisis from a licensed crisis counselor. This is an open class for anyone with the interest. Note: If you took this course with Ajay Krishnan in Splash 2023 Fall, it is advised to take a different course as much of the content overlaps with Fall 2023. Trigger warning: upsetting materials related to mental illness may be discussed, student discretion is advised

A1218: Music Theory & Composition - Introduction in Splash Spring 2024 (Apr. 21, 2024)
Music is an exciting activity; however, unpacking its fundamentals and theory can be a daunting task. In this course, we’ll unpack the fundamentals of music theory and piano. By the end of this course, students will be able to interpret most pieces on a basic level and compose simple songs.

S1230: SNAKES! in Splash Spring 2024 (Apr. 21, 2024)
The evolutionary history of primates, including ourselves, and snakes is extremely interlinked. In this course, we will discuss the anatomy of snakes, the various ecological niches they occupy and purposes they serve, how snakes have shaped primate evolution and behavior (and vice versa), and what our conjoined history means for both humans and snakes in today’s world. Trigger warning: Content pertaining to snakes will be presented, also possible blood

S1141: Psychiatric Disorders in Splash Fall 2023 (Nov. 18, 2023)
Mental illness is a relevant topic, with almost a quarter of Americans suffering from a mental disorder. This course will act as a survey course of the biology and causes of various psychiatric disorders, as well as tips for dealing with a mental health crisis. This is an open class for anyone with the interest. Trigger warning: upsetting materials related to mental illness may be discussed, student discretion is advised

S1157: Zoology & Medicine in Splash Fall 2023 (Nov. 18, 2023)
Much of research in fields like zoology, integrative biology, and animal science focuses on conservation (humans helping animals), with not as much working the other way (how animals help humans). This survey course helps to examine how animals are currently influencing research in human medicine and the importance of studying the natural world. From using venom as a morphine substitute to uncovering insomnia, the animal kingdom has pharmacological wonders for us to unpack.