Spring 2024

Splash Biography

GABRIEL KELVIN, UC Berkeley junior passionate about policy change

Major: Political Science

College/Employer: UC Berkeley

Year of Graduation: 2022

Picture of Gabriel Kelvin

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Hello, I am Gabriel Kelvin, a transfer student here at UC Berkeley studying political science with an emphasis in quantitative methods and a minor in public policy.
In my tenure as a student, I've been an ASB President for my community college, a statewide student leader and have had the honor of working on some pieces of policy change, including AB 2910 and my college's RamBuilders program.
Policy change and policy evaluation are big points of interest in my life: policies effect virtually every aspect of our lives and they have the ability to worsen or resolve the social issues of the day. Most of my research and interest lies around policy effectiveness and analyzing how to make tangible, lasting solutions to the issues we face - and making sure others are equipped to know the power of their voice to do so as well.

Past Classes

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